
I couldn't answer that question without having diagnosed you both before and after treatment. Moxa, even needles, might not even be necessary for the purpose you describe. You might be able to get away with acupressure to the 'Diamond of Digestion' as I call it. This consists of CV-12, CV-6, and both S-25's. These four points, with perhaps the addition of LI-11, are a good all-around multi-symptom digestive problem fix.

S-25, because they act as a mu, or alarm, point for the large intestine's general state of health and are good for regulating all sorts of digestive problems by themselves. CV-12, because it is the alarm point of the stomach and the influential point of all the fu, or hollow, organs. CV-6, because it is the sea of qi and corresponds to LI-6, a large intestine point, and because it further enhances the Yin energy of all Yin organs/meridians, enhancing the effect of CV-12.

Try pressing the S-25's with the middle fingers of both hands at the same time for 2-3 minutes. Then, using one hand, press CV-6 with the middle finger and CV-12 with the thumb for another 2-3 minutes. Then press each LI-11 for 1-2 minutes apiece, and the same for each S-36. All of these are using moderate, not firm, pressure. Barring a serious medical condition, this combo should produce fast and dramatic results for you, and without having to bring out the needles. This simple routine, twice daily, should clear up digestive symptoms within a day or two