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Thread: Grounding Information

  1. #16
    Kevin Wallbridge Guest
    Hmm, I'm not so sure about the concepts of Xu-Re/deficiency heat being expressed. If your throat is dry but not infected it can still feel burning and raw. Not because of a pathogenic influence but because the Yin substance of the body is depleted so the relative balance of Yin and Yang is disordered. The body's natural metabolic activity appears to show fire/heat signs, but is not actually pathological. In this case clearing the heat, such as by using cooling herbs, will lead a depletion of both Yin and Yang and result in an very dangerous condition. Rather than cooling, the Yin of the body should be tonified.

    Xu-Re is also different from Zhen-Han Jia-Re/true cold false heat. This is when pathogenic cold is lodged deeply in the interior and causes signs of hyperactive heat in the exterior (the Yang is pushed to the exterior). A person suffering from deficiency heat may still have a robust constitution and so may not be any more suseptible to cold than they were before the chronic deficiency developed. In fact they would likely be more suseptible to cold if they were suffering from a Yang deficinecy.

    "The heart of the study of boxing is to have natural instinct resemble the dragon" Wang Xiangzai

  2. #17
    Michael Jacobs Guest

    Grounding techniques a plenty

    I believe the origional question was about grounding techniques? Before I get to that, I wanted to comment on a few things said. As I have known them, talismans typically store energy for a specific purpose that is programed to them by their owner. Some atract energy, some repel it, and yes I have to agree, at a certain point an individuals will is all that is needed. I have found that flicking energy from your hands into a room to clear your self will fill the room with the energy your trying to get rid of. Any one can then walk into it. Many techniques for grounding and healing exist, but the most powerful, without sounding cheesy, is unconditional love. It takes practice in meditation to be able to feel this for any client that needs healed, but giving yourself up to become nothing more than a channel for energy while totally loving the being is powerful healing. At that point you will also recieve healing and there will be no need for a talisman like a grounding technique. A quick grounding? Go run your hands under running water while breathing out the offending energy into it, send it down the pipes. Or lay down on the earth an let nature and gravity do the job for you. ( just remember not to lay too long or your batteries will run down) ;)

  3. #18
    walkthecircle Guest

    simple body work


    All the things you speak of are very simple issues dealing with asian body work modalities.

    the "bad" energy you speak of is a pretty low level thing that happens. Many Tui Na and shiatsu and Jen Shin Do practiioners experience these adverse side effects early in their practice but after they hone their skills they learn to create a boundary to not let the other person's energy in.

    I had this problem when starting shiatsu. To help/heal a patient I would actually feel their pain w/in my body and worked on it that way. The patient felt WONDERFUL after the session I felt drained and sick. I thought this was good practice. BUT after finding a master level teacher (40 plus years of one modality) I learned that this is not the most skillful way to help someone. To be the best help you should be in an obtive state and let the client's energy do the healing not you.

    All forms of body work are very humbling. You aren't doing anything it's the client's body that's doing the healing. You just help it along.

    The negative or group chi you talk about is something that has substance. After working on many people or doing much kung fu you can feel the wave of chi that rolls off of people and groups. It's like a hot wind or radiation feel. First time i felt it I thought i was going nuts.

    When you get quiet you can feel the different vibrational qualities of each meridian. Feel what the earth channels feels like...feel how that's different from the water and then wood.

    Best of luck on the quest.

  4. #19
    walkthecircle Guest


    If you experience the "bad" chi. You're being too open to your client's chi.

    You want to help so much that you want to physically take on their pain.

    Try to keep seperate. Many practioners envision a bubble around them as they do body work.

    Some picture a wire grounding them from the tailbone into the earth.

    Some need to lay on the grass outdoors to regain balance. When I began I needed to do my Pa-kua to help me.

    It's the most horrible will go away with a few years of practice.

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