Hmmm .....

From what I understand, the 5 animal system (Hua To system) consists of Monkey, Tiger Bear, Dear, and Crane. These exercises devloped by the late physician Hua To (during the three kingdoms periods) were to awake, stimulate and move chi in the body (I learned them as the five animal dead, five animal live, and Chen Tien Chi exercises or the 59 Hua To animal play).

The Classic Five Animal form - Tiger, Crane, Dragon, Lepard and Snake are related to different systems or orhans of the body. But from what my Masters shared with me, the history of this form is a tribute to the 128 monks that died supporting rebels trying to overthrough the Qing Emporer.

Please let me know if my research is off here .....

Thanks my fellow MAs.

Shaolin Warrior