i am just providing a debate for you based on what you have shown and put forth to the forum. now YOU are getting angry and "pi$$ed off" as you put it.
You can percieve what i write as arrogance but maybe if you looked at it from an objective point of view you would see the practicality in what i am writing.
and yes this is a safe haven for people to come a discuss thier views and opinions with out having to deal with someone ultimately personalizing and getting all egotisitcal and wanting to fight to prove wrong or right. i went down that road and now have evolved past it. have you? maybe not.
and since you eloquently made your stance clear about how you feel about the UFC and pride competitions, then why not prove yourself right about what you have learned and go enter a ufc or pride competition. who needs the humility here? maybe you do Raatra.

and to make the reference to "carlos castenada meets martial arts?" have you even read carlos castenadas writings? i sure have and there is nothing that rings of fighting in his books, not that it relates AT ALL to silat or its "mysticism". i would make the statement that carlos castenada and his teacher "don juan" evolved and transcended past this need to get your rocks off by cultiviating your "mystic beliefs" and "spirituality" for kicking A$$.
read journey to ixtlan or fire from within or even the eagles gift and you will understand what i am talking about.