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Thread: I'm officially "retired" from challenge matches

  1. #16
    Originally posted by yenhoi

    How was this a challenge match? Did the guy challenge you? You make people too-nice in your stories.

    Yeah he challenged me. He had been talking about it before as well.

    Guess I try to focus on my own "bad" qualities in these posts rather than other people's.
    Might be kind of dumb of me.

    "No judo! NO NO!"

    "One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

    Attain your highest ability, and continue past it. Emotion becomes movement. Express that which makes you; which guides you. Movement and Mind without hesitation. Physical spirituality...
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  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Over thinking,
    over analyzing
    separates the body from the mind.

    Withering my intuition,
    missing opportunities and I must
    Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines
    Volcano has removed himself from this realm
    Account is hijacked, email is fake, password is unrememberable
    No im not drunk or sad

    "cos im the TAXMAN!!
    yeah im the TAXMAAAN!!"


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South FL. Which is not to be confused with any part of the USA
    Ryu, not many people are as introspective as you are being right now. If you don't constantly analyze then you can't consciously grow. but, you don't need anyone to tell you that.

    my only comment is that accepting challenge matches in a public school is a two edged sword as you well know. If your students are really yours then I don't think you have to worry about their opinion if you don't accept. No waiver will protect you if you accidentally hurt the person and they feel like sueing you. meet him on nuetral ground.

    of course, I don't think it was fair to put the poor wrestler in a gi.
    having just started jujitsu this year, dealing with the gi has been my biggest obstacle.

    I'm getting ready to spar a boxer in front of my students. Not a challenge match, just an agreed upon bout. Boxing rules and I'm gonna get nailed many times, I reckon. But, I think it is good for my students to see that.

    good luck.
    "George never did wake up. And, even all that talking didn't make death any least not for us. Maybe, in the end, all you can really hope for is that your last thought is a nice one...even if it's just about the taste of a nice cold beer."

    "If you find the right balance between desperation and fear you can make people believe anything"

    "Is enlightenment even possible? Or, did I drive by it like a missed exit?"

    It's simpler than you think.

    I could be completely wrong"

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