~ I have a minor item that I need some insight on. I have several nice thick (2") waxwood staves that are used for spears or by themselves. However they have warped somewhat over the past year or so. They are stored in two different ways, either horizontally on the wall from 4 equi-spaced straps, or they hang vertically from a strap (at the top). It has only happened to some of them, but I need all of them.
~ I was thinking of wetting them good, and then tying them with some wire to some 9' x 2" angle iron and perhaps heating the iron up. Would that work or cause more problems than it is worth? Any other suggestions?


Sin Loi

Yi Beng, Kan Xue

My martial skills suck! Your martial skill sucks! We suck so bad we don't deserve to learn what we have already learned! We must work harder so we suck less!!!
- Sin Loi on Calvinist Martial Arts Theory-

Flatulo Ergo Sum - Sin Loi on ****ing