That only shows tournament skill. Sparring as we know it is simply used as a learning experience so that you can better react when you really need to. That and tournaments are fun, plus they earn money for the instructors because well, they do need money.

The fact is that skill in the ring isn't exactly the way you fight on the street. Many tournaments have rules mostly for insurance reasons. But in a fight there are ABSOLUTELY NO rules. That's why I tend to do bad in sparring, I like to use things that insurance companies would not like to see. I'm not a bad fighter, but I can barely spar for my life.

San Shou is all well and good, not my cup of tea, and about as street effective as good Tae Kwan Do (from what I know.) But bragging about winning a g a y @$$ piece of plastic only further shows your stupidity.

Sorry, that's the way it is.