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Thread: need some serious advice, or a diagnose

  1. #1

    need some serious advice, or a diagnose

    ok... for this has been bothering me for some time now. and i'm seriously starting to doubt whether there might be something wrong me with.

    pretty much my whole life, i've been semi athletic. grew up playing sports, etc. anyway, i've been pretty much involved in physical activities my whole life.. however, probably during these last two years, my endurance has just gone way down. i've been involved in different ma for the past years too.

    i actually starting realizing this today, that there might be something wrong with me, since i get winded real easy, n my blood pressure goes up, real high. thinking back to my san shou class last semester, i realized that i seriously got dead tired after only 10 minutes of warm up, which included running, dynamic strecthing, etc. my endurance was better back then, but my pulse was still really high. n i would also easliy bleed when i got his in the nose, even if it was a light blow.. figure this might have to do something with my blood pressure.

    since i got severe shin splins and/or a possible fracture in my leg, i've havent been running recently. but when i did run, i would basically be done, after a 15 run. i mean, my heart would beat sky high and i was seriously out of breath.
    i might have been in denial or something, cuz i always had the" no pain no gain" mindset.
    comparing me to some of my friends when i was in school, at the track, i could probably be compared to those who didnt really worked out much. i mean, i'm only 18 now.. n i don t really live an unheathy life. so i dunno whats up with me. i've talked to my doctor too about it briefly n he said it wasnt really anythinig to worry about. to me it seemed like he didnt really know what was wrong. saying high blood pressure was common for some ppl, etc..

    well, if u have any idea of what might be wrong, plz let me know

    thanks in advance
    “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible and suddenly, you are doing the impossible”

    St. Francis of Assisi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    You sound like me. The only I ever ran really was in gym class when we had to. Other than that I never ran because I was trying to conserve calories. Then after 3 minutes of sparring I would be just about dead.

    Then one time a few months ago I ran for like 12 minutes (a little over a mile) and I was all dizzy and stuff when I finally got back. My heart rate was crazy, like 180 or so I think. Then like a week later I ran 1.8 miles (18 minutes) and I was a little bit better when I got back. Then I pulled all the tendons in the top of my foot when I fell off a trampoline and couldn't run anymore. That was a few months ago and it still hurts sometimes now. I haven't gone running again.

    So, yeah. Just start small and build up.
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  3. #3
    well,, i've tried to, n results arent showing really. the time i did run, i could see some improvement, but my pulse would still beat like crazy.
    “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible and suddenly, you are doing the impossible”

    St. Francis of Assisi

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    try swimming.... good for lungs and muscles and endurance

  5. #5

    Works for me. Really well. I do it with running, but if I had the cash, I'd like to mix it up with a Concept 2 ergo. You could probably do almost anything. Burpees that I did the other day were hard work and hit the whole body. We did them with 2 knuckle pushups instead of 1.

    Consult your doc first. Your pulse will be high while your body gets used to it. The good thing is, it's heart rate based, so you match intensity to your personal level of fitness. I'm up to the 20s/10s x 10 now and it rocks, even though I hate(d) running.

    I also splurged and bought a Polar s610i heart rate monitor. You need something to time your intervals (and heart rate helps too), and Polar has a few models that are perfect for that purpose.

    Hope that helps.

  6. #6
    thanks for the article

    swimming huh? i might give that a try. mountainbiking might be good too, since i cant run right now.

    these shin splinst are really getting to me. and opposed to most people, i like running.

    “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible and suddenly, you are doing the impossible”

    St. Francis of Assisi

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, IL
    If you really have high blood pressure, then your doctor should have said something. you would need a full work-up for hypertension, including a chest x-ray, EKG, and kidney ultrasound, I believe.

  8. #8
    do you have low oxygen in your blood? when you bleed, doess it clot very slowly? i don't think your doctor is taking you seriously. i mean you're only 18, this shouldn't be happening to you. i would go to a traditional chinese doctor and tell him your problems and lifestyle in detail so they come make an informed diagnosis.
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