Originally posted by GreyMystik
no, i don't have any kids and i'm not married.

i have however taken care of kids that i lived with. i know that's not the same as having my own, but wanted to illustrate that i like children and have nothing against them.

i guess it's harder with complete strangers, but the way i see it is this. maybe it's a warped and twisted view, but so be it.

the adult is (for the sake of argument) a productive member of society. a woman, who can more than likely populate with more kids.
the child is, a POTENTIALLY productive member of society. the child could also turn into saddam hussein. we don't KNOW yet... but , more than likely, the woman is not saddam hussein.
again, we don't know because they are strangers, but that's the general gist of how i feel about it.

when faced with the (likely) "known" (the woman) and the potential (child), i would probably save the woman.

any loss of life is sad, but that's my (warped?) logic i guess.
But what if that child was destined to find a cure for cancer? Or maybe become the world leader that finally brings peace to the world?