
Clearly, if Bruce Lee's writings inspired you then more power to them. HOWEVER, I was commenting in response to the Sifu Lama thread which stated stuff like

1. Bruce Lee was the greatest fighter ever, way beyond "silly" guys like Royce Grace, etc etc blah blah


2. Bruce Lee knew more about martial arts than anyone

Both statements are FALSE and clearly so, but I guess the cult of personality can't accept that. Just like they can't seem to grasp that had he not been a movie star, he would not have had the impact he did

Here's a quiz for the forum

Chan Tai San
Jeng Hsin-Ping
Wing Hong Yip
Thomas Yeung
Adam Hsu
Daneil Weng
Wong Tai
YC Wong

What do all these people have in common?

According to "Tit Sa", NONE know any legit Chinese martial arts