Originally posted by MonkeySlap Too
TWS, you are falling into the same politically correct deconstruction of thought that is undermining Wesern thought. By claiming that ALL positions are acceptable, at what point can you claim anything to be true, or at least valid?

Let's face it, if you are making a claim, you should have some evidence to back it up. If you claim to be a fighter, fight. If you claim to be a great coach - show your students abilities.

Martial Arts are martial by nature. Without fighting skill, you are a performance artist. With martial skill being the deviding point of what is 'real' and what is not 'real' - it is inevitable that a fight becomes the way to prove the point. If you claim to be a great painter - show us your paintings.

To evaluate something is a natural extension of using your brain. Most of our grey matter is used to identify patterns in a field. This is what your mind does. Now, sometimes the emotional monkey takes over - people get defensive of themselves, others get offended. That is all part of being human. I do agree that the wisest course of action is to persue a mature attitude, and seek non-violent solutions. EXCEPT in the case of martial arts.

It just so happens that my primary lesson to students is one of non-violence. But it is tempered by the concept that some preach pacifism, but others are condemned to it. In evauating the skills that you will risk your life on, I prefer not to so philosophically wishywashy as to assume everyone and everything is equal. Because, unfortunately, we are only equal in the eyes of the law, not in nature. Some branches grow long, and some grow short. You can still be civil, bt you don't have to assume a falsehood in the name of niceness, just because someone a little misguided wants it to be true.

Now, there is a lot of room within this sphere for friendly disagreement, and ranges of opinion. But, if you can't fight and win most of the time, or at least HAD a fighting record, or just can't at least hang with the tough crowd, stop posing as someone who actually knows. If you are down to the coaching phase - show me the fighter that leearned from you.

There is at least one fellow on this thread that has admitted to me that he really does not know enough to teach, yet has been determined to do so. Who says give me a year to train when challenged, then spends that year doing a 500 yard backpedal with Olympic skill. And now is doing his best to be my own personal Tit sa. Here's a tip - if you can't walk the walk, don't be surprised if fighters don't listen when you talk the talk. Sometimes, you really do need a teacher.

The other point that I find difficult to comprehend is the we 'Men' line. As if men are somehow more thick-headed, stupid, and violent than women. The statistics show otherwise. Men are more likely to kill, but woman are just as violent, and just as thick-headed as men. Get over your weak minded politically correctedness - it won't get you laid.

Finally, to have an intellectual discussion about kung fu - there are people on this board, and ones I strongly disagree with who can have solid, good dscussions with. But that does not mean one has to suffer the company of the misguided or foolish without pointing it out.

See my signature below for the Bertrand Russell quote to better undertand...

Finally, I really do like the sentiment of yor last paragraph.
Or, to summarize - the problem with evolving past bashing styles, systems and schools is that some styles, systems and schools suck.