We also lost Vietnamn....

Anyway, I'm not into politics at all. But after 9/11 I'd rather have a president doing too much than not enough.

All this crap over the "mission accomplished" banner. The mission was accomplished. Overthrow Saddam! We did. Now there is a new and more complicated mission: police an occupied land. Two different things.

As far as journalist being killed, or enemy purposely breaks the rules of war by storing troops and weapons in civilian areas. Our troops were taking fire from a hotel and JAG's gave the go ahead return fire. Journalists putting themselves in harms way to get the scoop do so willingly. This is a war and all the ugly aspects of it will turn up time and time again.

For those of you not in NY, go find some footage of planes crashing into two large civilian buildings, people jumping out to avoid burning to death. I used to be a pacifict. Now I want to see more heads.

I also suspect the folks -- who have gone to West Point, have been trained -- are making informed decisions with more information than you and I have.

This thing in Iraq is actually ingenious. We have forced our enemy to come fight us on their land. I'd rather Alqeda move from Afganastan to Iran to fight soldiers than to NYC. If anything, we're being too cool. That's our biggest fault.

My biggest fear: Americans who have forgotten 9/11 (even after all the NEVER FORGETS) who demand we back off. Hell, I think we are just getting started. There is a lot of a$$ that still needs to be kicked.