There were two awesomely ridiculous moments I saw before I could no longer stand to look at it.

In the first one, a guy was twirling emei piercers and explaining how they go in easier once there is blood on them, and added that when he sees blood it just turns him more ferocious. It was one of those total geek moments that tells you the guy has probably never seen blood outside the context of a papercut.

The second one was the guy who was measured at kicking at like 2,000 pounds per square inch. He said that he'd never been in a street altercation, but that the numbers speak for themselves. As though the numbers mean anything out of context. The whole program laid down the assumption that striking pads and breaking boards was exactly the same as hitting someone, and only martial arts masters survive such strikes because they can flex at just the right moment.

What silly garbage this program was. Bunch of pretty boy sissies trying to convince themselves of how tough they are even though they never fight.