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Thread: WT - SLT Question

  1. #1
    Sec Guest

    WT - SLT Question

    A quick question, After you do the first Tan-Sao in SLT and you roll your hand to a Wu-Sao, does the hand stay flat, or does it bend as if you were doing a Fook-Sao .. I find it hard to keep my hand flat in this part of SLT. I find if I bend the hand I can drop it more before you going to Wu-Sao.
    I know this is hard to explain but if anyone gets what I'm saying, then share the knowledge :)

    *I know my spelling of terms is poor*

    - One may have knowledge in the sense that they have memorized or copied from books and not know life. How can someone say they have knowledge and not know themself? No knowledge of life is to fail life. -

  2. #2
    vertical fist Guest
    I think I know what you mean. And I think the key is to stay relaxed. You dont want to tense your hand all up in order to make it perfectly flat. Use just enough energy and muscle to complete the movement and maintain structure, which with woo sau, would I guess just be thumb bent, fingers straight, vertical and together, wrist on centerline, elbow on centerline and a fists' distance away from your chest.
    I'm a beginner myself so I'm no expert but that's what I've been taught about structure; the point being to stay relaxed in your movements.

  3. #3
    cobra Guest
    yeah, pull your hand back as if in the fook sao position as you huen sao around to wu sao, or at least that's the way we do it.

    Good luck!!

    Just my 4 cents!!

  4. #4
    CLOUD ONE Guest

    wu sau

    From your discription, the Wu sau has a different energy feel to a fook sau.
    How long do you keep in that stance when you are practicing SLT?
    My teacher would always test our Wu sau by pushing it whilst I was bringing it back to do the next fook sau.The wu sau should not cave in but be relaxed so your structure of your whole body takes the pressure. He also tested the tan sau by holding My wrist and letting go. The tan should just shoot forward without any intention.
    What I got from these simple tests were the importance of structure and relaxed power(internal power) There is also springiness in the joints.

  5. #5
    whippinghand Guest

    fingers straight

    What you want to do it "try" to straighten your fingers, don't force them. Your fingers should be relaxed throughout, but still straight. When you go from tan sau into the Hun Sau, (let's use the right hand as an example), at the point where your fingers are pointed to the left <-, they should be pointed directly there _(intention). At the point where they are pointed down, the should point directly down. At the point where they are pointing right ->, you can't really do it, unless you rotate your elbow, WHICH you DON'T want to do. Keeping the elbow facing down, you keep wrist rotation happening, until the fingers point up, directly up. Still keeping the rotation happening, you move into Wu Sau, and allow the Wu to come back.

    This is done for strengthening. For application it is slightly different

  6. #6
    tnwingtsun Guest

    Different strokes

    "Wu-Sao, does the hand stay flat, or does it bend as if you were doing a Fook-Sao"

    It should bend when going through huen sao,we train a live elbow when going through this movement,its hard for me to explain,also
    a very inportant thing,going from punch to tan-sao
    you HINGE on the thumb,not the pinkie.

    This is the WT way,sorry I can't explain better in writting,who is your Sifu/Si-hing??

  7. #7
    Sec Guest
    tnwingtsun, thanks for your reply :)
    but I'd prefer to keep my personal details private ie: my Sifu etc

    I'm sure you understand :)

    - One may have knowledge in the sense that they have memorized or copied from books and not know life. How can someone say they have knowledge and not know themself? No knowledge of life is to fail life. -

  8. #8
    Sec Guest
    Thanx for all your help :)

    btw: If there are any other people who have a different way of doing this please let me know.

    - One may have knowledge in the sense that they have memorized or copied from books and not know life. How can someone say they have knowledge and not know themself? No knowledge of life is to fail life. -

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