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Thread: Training With Members of the Opposite Sex

  1. #31
    It sounds to me like gender is not the issue here.
    The whining and complaining is the issue.

    This person does not need to be in your class if she is going to whine about a little contact.
    Your post says that you and several others in the class have problems with this chic. She is definately the problem, not you!

    Don't change what you are doing. Practice hard and if she dosen't like it, then she can quit and go study basket weaving. It is Kung Fu, not patty cake! She is the problem, not you!

    Have I said this before.
    She is the problem, not you!

    Gender is not the issue, the whining is.
    We don't need no stinking badges!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern England
    Hmm, pushed hands with a couple of ladies for the first time at the weekend.

    Couldn't help but think their bewbies get in the way for some things, like straight push. But you just work on other stuff while they're your partner.

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