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Thread: Some important tips I would like to share from my Wing Chun training.

  1. #1

    Some important tips I would like to share from my Wing Chun training.

    1. Practice! Train as much as you can. Understand the movements and application of each technique. Understand the theory and philosophy behind Wing Chun. Wing Chun trains both the mind and the body! Train for life and not years or ranking!

    2. Touch Hands.. Seek out others from different lineages and other martial artist. Spar with them and practice your techniques. Make it a learning experience and not a competitive one if you want to gain more from the experience. Use your techniques! Don't start doing kickboxing. If you are going to kickbox then study kickboxing and do it right! If you are going to practice Wing Chun then make it look like Wing Chun and use your techniques. Train with all types of people! Train in a realistic fashion. In the street it is very unlikely that a Wing Chun practitioner is going to attack you!

    3. Don't believe what your teacher tells you! Go see for your self if it's true and if it works!

    4. Visit other schools and take seminars. This gives you the opportunity to compare your knowledge and skills. Just be careful! Many seminars out there that are not worth the cost!

    5. Be open minded! You can learn something from everyone! Even your enemies!

    6. Don't be caught on the ground before you decide to learn how to grapple. Grappling knowledge is a must. It also has many benefits. You don't have to be a ranking grappler to defeat a grappler. However, understanding their game can help you develop the ability to apply your techniques successfully in a grappling situation.

    7. While woking out you are going to get hit! Getting hit is part of any type of combative training. No matter how good a person is he can never be 100% hit proof. Only in movies or prearange sparring would an individual not get hit. Except for Jackie Chan he get's hit in movies! There is a difference between training and defending your self or family. In a real life and death situation anything can be expected. I for sure am going to fight to survive. Train realistic but in a safe manner. Some individuals will never get hurt in a real life self defense situation or be in one. However, they will get hurt badly during training. This makes no sense! Protect your health and body! Safety 1st.

    7. Endurance! Develop your stamina..This is more important than any fighting style in the planet. I can give more than 10 reasons why Endurance training is the most important thing that a fighter should develop.

    8. Include Flexibility and Strength training. All professional atheletes engage in some type of flexibility and strength routine.

    9. Talk less and do more!!!!!!!

    10. Believe in Wing Chun and make it work for you! In numerous situations I have made wing chun work for me and I know you
    can too! I have met many talkers some students, non-students and teachers from various wing chun lineages and other martial art lineages including grappling arts. In these situations I was able to apply my Wing Chun skills succesfully because I trained hard! Hard work pays off! Don't worry about those talkers who claim that Wing Chun doesn't work or that your lineage is modified and etc. Let them believe what they want! Someday they might be proven wrong.

    11. Every Wing Chun lineage has something to offer! There is no secret ultimate Real Wing Chun Lineage! That is Bull ####!

    Remember it is the individual and not the Art! The art only give you the tools. You have too decide how well you want to master the usage and effectiveness of those tools.

    Good Luck In Your Training!

    Please feel free to share your tips or experience on this post.......

  2. #2
    All are sound and practical advices, but all WC and no fun makes Paul a dull boy! Ha! Ha!



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I would just like to add that this post may be the greatest and truest one made here. Certainly one of.

    Nice. All true.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    LA ,

    it gets no more honest and true then what you have expressed .
    you point the finger of responsibility not at the art , or the sifu or some historical accomplishment .
    you point the finger at yourself
    nothing can or ever will replace individual experience
    but few lack the self honesty and courage to walk the walk alone
    every body likes to be told what to do , to have it drawn out like some diagram '' security blanket '' then surround themselves with like minded individuals '' saftey in numbers '' the ignorance of a mob .

    sometimes it is all about you ,
    ''you'' fall down , ''you'' get up
    your only competition is ''you''
    your personal experience can never be taken away , therioes , concepts styles , are just dead things
    the only constant is ''you''
    If the truth hurts , then you will feel the pain

    Do not follow me, because if you do, you will lose both me and yourself....but if you follow yourself, you will find both me and yourself

    You sound rather pompous Ernie! -- by Yung Chun

  5. #5

    Nice post !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Good stuff!

    I'm especially working on no. 9 at the moment.
    "Once you reject experience, and begin looking for the mysterious, then you are caught!" - Krishnamurti
    "We are all one" - Genki Sudo
    "We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Tool, Parabol/Parabola
    "Bro, you f***ed up a long time ago" - Kurt Osiander

    WC Academy BJJ/MMA Academy Surviving Violent Crime TCM Info
    Don't like my posts? Challenge me!

  7. #7
    You said it right Anerlich! If you look at the Endurance/Training thread you will see that I wasted so much time. I participated not because I wanted to talk but becuase I saw something I was concern about. I quess not every one see things the way I do. It's just amazing how when you think your're helping someone, you end finding out that some won't see it that way. Well I won't speak no more..... I will stick to my words! #9

    Believe it or not you made an impact on me today!
    I thank You for putting me back on track!

    .................................................. ................................................
    To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the hightest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tempe. Arizona
    LC-NYC: Good post.

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