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Thread: "Wing Chun Collectors Edition"

  1. #1
    mun hung Guest

    "Wing Chun Collectors Edition"

    Any opinions on the new "Wing Chun Collectors Edition" of Kung Fu Qigong magazine?

  2. #2
    wingchunwsl Guest
    haven't gotten to see it yet. been waiting for it for about three weeks at my local book store but so far nothing. :(

  3. #3
    hunt1 Guest

    new issue

    a artical worth anything and one (the cover article)major waste of paper.
    An attempt to validate a secret WC style with a tie in to Chi Sim Weng chun.No tie in ,no evidence of history.An other attempt to justify the ( only my Sifu has the secret sauce) version of another special branch of WC.We should all gi
    ve up our non-scientific WC.
    Basic Museum research policy seems to be Oh! your branch has that story our favorite flavor of WC has it to so it must be true.

  4. #4
    mun hung Guest

    hunt 1

    I meant the whole magazine in general, but thanks for your input. Let's keep the politics out, before we get moderated.

    wingchunwsl - it took weeks before I could get this issue also. Interesting articles.

  5. #5
    JasBourne Guest
    The "Iron Pen!s" article was, well, unusual...

  6. #6
    Anarcho Guest
    They wrote an article about me?

    Couldn't resist...

  7. #7 Guest

    I agree with Hunt1

    The old it came from Shao-lin, here is the freshest new secret sauce, real deal, blah blah blah, but breathlessly written. It was the major cover story pumping up Hung Fa Yi as the "ninja craze of the nineties" as well as Benny Meng.

    The Chan Chee Man interview was nice, other than the photo of him with one of the knives flipped.

    Patrick Gordon's introductory article on Sil Lum Tao was good.

    "The Wing Chun principles in My Life" was err interesting in that the proported Bong Sau was not one (unless that is how they do it William Cheung style) Photograph 2. :( The more interesting aspect of the article was that it was by a woman who is a full instructor in Cheung's karate err system.

    The more William Cheung style I see the more diverse it gets.

  8. #8
    Patrick Gordon Guest

    "wing chun collectors edition"

    Hello planet Wing Chun,

    Thank you for saying you liked my article on siu Lim Tao, I am glad you liked it, sincerely,

    Patrick Gordon.

  9. #9
    Sharky Guest
    lol anarcho, you caught me by surprise (ahem) as i was drinking, and you managed to make me spit my water all over the screen. Well done my good man.

    ================================================== ==========================

    "Life's a b*tch, but God-forbid the b*tch divorce me; I'll be flooded with ice, so hellfire can't scorch me"

  10. #10
    aelward Guest

    Wing Chun articles

    I enjoyed the magazine immensely (especially the part about the Iron *****).

    Even the article about the roots of Wing Chun provided some interesting theories, though the fact that the authors prop it up without providing much evidence to back it up (maybe because of space constraints?) is rather disconcerting. I must say that the most ironic part of said article is the continued emphasis on "scientific" research, yet the author resorts to "fate" when describing how Sifu Meng took on his research. All the same, I do envy his dedication and resources that have allowed him to uncover so much. Considering all the various people who are doing research into the histories of our style (Rene Ritchie et al, VT Museum, Leung Ting), it would be nice to see a collaborated work!

    Patrick Gordon, your article was cool! Very nice explanation.

    Also, the interview with one of Yip Man's students was also very interesting.

    "Sex on TV doesn't hurt unless you fall off."

  11. #11
    Vankuen Guest

    The only good article to me was Patrick's

    From what Ive discussed with other wing chun people that I regularly converse with, everyone seems to like the sil lim tao article, and has little to say on the rest.

    That seemed to be the only article with valid, concise, and to the point information regarding wing chun.

    Good job Patrick.

    "From one thing know ten thousand" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

    "Loy lau hoi sung, lut sau jik chung"

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