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Thread: speed training

  1. #1

    speed training

    does anyone do speed training? and if so what do you do? Just curious about it. thanks!
    - zhiu

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill

    Re: speed training

    Originally posted by Zhiu
    does anyone do speed training? and if so what do you do? Just curious about it. thanks!
    Great Topic Zhiu!

    Yes, get faster.

    Wanna be a little more specific?

    Live it or live with it.


  3. #3
    Well I'm talking about how to improve your speed of things like punches and kicks. Besides just punch is there anything else. I have gotten a lot faster already but I want very fast speeds as in for me the skyk's the limit. Already tai chi loosens the muscles ligaments and tendons and gives you better control over them which helps greatly but for things like punches and kicks would I have to do training with weights and stuff like that?
    - zhiu

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I train with very slow partners and usually ask them to respond in slo-mo... then I go all out at max speed et voila!

    Just kidding ofcourse. I think the best way to train speed is really among other things to train for conditioning. The better conditioning you have the better you will be able to maintain speed for longer while the opponent get's tired and slow. There are tricks you can use I suppose such as working with a speed ball. I have one and train with one but it's more timing and cardio than speed and accuracy training for me.

    Best, Syd
    I am Jacks Dan Tien

    "The last sound he made was like a sparrow whistling"

  5. #5
    Take all angles off your movements, really learn what a circle means.
    enjoy life

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill
    Speed can be found as reflexive or reactive or it can be seen in efficient and direct movment. It can be improved through conditioning your reflexes or through refining your movement.

    For the kind of reflexive speed you are asking about, the simplest and most common method is one of those speed balls that are tied at the top and bottom. Or partner training with pads. But the real increase in speed comes from not fighting against your own muscles.

    Live it or live with it.


  7. #7

    different kinds of speed

    First of all, there is the drug and that will give you tons of speed/energy. YOu pop a few of those...and you'll have more "internal" energy than god...until you pass out and wake up feeling like a ***** and then you need your stomach pumped and now I'm going to end my run on sentence.

    Anyway, I realized a long time ago that speed from positioning is more important than how fast one can move. There's aways going to be someone faster than you out there so if you train to get faster you're setting yourself up for a downfall. But if you get into a good position on he other person's body that allows you to strike because your hands/legs are closer to his/her body, you will be faster.

    I am officially the King of Run-on-sentences.
    A penny saved is... not much.

  8. #8
    oh I absolutely agree with the whole positioning thing it's about timing and that but just for general purposes it's always a good goal to get faster.

    Thanks fo rthe speed ball tip!
    - zhiu

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    "very fast speeds as in for me the skyk's the limit"

    Actually, we are all limited in ability: how fast or strong we can get.

    I'm 100% with Willow Leaf and TravelbyKnight. Position is faster than speed and stronger than strenght (borrowed that from somebody here).

    Again, what willow leaf said: curves. Inside curves. Why does the inside man on the track have the advantage? Why does the outside of a record sound better than the inside?

    This is actually the answer to your question. I know you want a way to make your legs faster, but they're simply telling you not to run around the block, to cut through the backyard instead. Is this not faster?

  10. #10
    when you can do it slow you can do it fast, the reverse is not true.
    be here at this moment. when you are here, there is no question of speed, you are simply here, you respond to any stimuli, you appear fast to others but really you are just here.
    to be fast without being here right now is akin to driving at 100mph with your eyes closed and hands off the wheel, you are an accident waiting to happen - see how many people are fast but not aware of it when they have hit you or even thrown a punch. remember that any movemnet is a process, a punch has a start middle and end. when your perception is in harmony with your opponent - when you are here, punchs are stopped before they are seen to be punchs. true speed seems motionless to others.
    Ecce nunc patiemur philosphantem nobis asinum?

    what transcends the buddha and the law? Cakes.

    "Practice is better than Art, because your practice will suffice without art, while the art means nothing without practice." - Hanko Doebringer, 14th century

  11. #11
    I see what you guys all mean good points some I knew of some I didn't. In response to the cutting back the block - nothing in life ever comes easy. If you think practicing for a few months and you're battle ready it's not right to think that. You need time to build up your internal fitness right? Well I just wanted to build up my leg strength for the sake of it. You know to improve myself in everyway possible.

    Thanks for all the responses.
    - zhiu

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New Haven, Ct
    Slow weighted movements.
    I almost practically live with the wrist bandweights on.
    If you practice Tai Chi that helps
    When throwing the punch dont worry much about power the force from the speed will handle your target
    Relax your shoulders as much as posible
    And weight training
    Pretty much any thing that makes my arm sore
    I do it
    Between my shoulders and my abs, they look like murder victims ( from the cuts )

    And while were talking about speed, I have a problem with feeling small pains when throwing fast punches, is their such thing as too fast for the body?
    Style is only defined by the limitations of a system of fighting and defending. So when in medatation ask yourself not "what are the weaknesses of thine enemy" but rather so what are your own weaknesses

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    Suppose you are driving on unfamiliar winding roads.. you go slower, you are (hopefully) more cautious.. when the time comes that we need to move fast it will be to our advantage to have traveled that road before.. there is no substitute for experience..

    Most of the Taiji players i am familiar with find that in the early stages of quick forms practice they tend to move in short segments of the form, the mind/body connection at faster speeds breaks down due to the conditioning of slow practice.. Additionally, the faster speeds adds the element of momentum, a surprise factor the first time it is experienced at faster speeds.. i have learned to adjust my stances to account for momentum and inertia at combat speed.. better to experience that effect in practice than in a situation where it could compromise one's timing..

    Balance.. Yin/Yang.. slow/fast..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New Haven, Ct
    Thanks Bob,

    I've been doing that on purpose, trying to find new ways to attack.
    Might not be any.
    If I practice these roads slowly and use resistance on them will I get used to them and the movement.
    Help me save some time before I posibly waste it.
    Style is only defined by the limitations of a system of fighting and defending. So when in medatation ask yourself not "what are the weaknesses of thine enemy" but rather so what are your own weaknesses

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
    Blog Entries
    I train speed by moving slowly...
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