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Thread: removing force to understand force

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    removing force to understand force

    as the subject says...comments?

    The idea being, does the removal of force from it's conduits help you to better understand it's nature in your kung fu practice.

    and if you think that's the case then why is it so difficult to do this?

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
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    If I hear a song I like on the radio. but it is not clear on that channel I might adjust the frequency knob. I might drop the intensity to better understand the nature of the technique. The technique might be optimal with specific variations of strength or speed. Also pace of technique might be an influencing factor. I might reduce the level of force to see how it affects chain reaction neighboring muscle/joint areas.

    A too much brute strength might muck-up a technique or the connectivity to a next technique. If I have to relax before I tense, the closer to relaxed the quicker I can execute whatever tension. With that, I f I ish-remove force I could hone a range of strength that seems to best bridge within a technique or bridge other techniques.?

    Difficult? Adjust these aspects (trial and error, of the combinations And levels), speed, power, tension(tension in arm, or fist, or hand, or shoulder or feet or hips, or back...), intensity--attitude of aggression--I'm going to really hurt this person, It's Justice. I'm going to really hurt this person , ...Mercy on my soul, I'm reallly sorry I have to do this to you. No mind-ish--seeing things in your mind as on a movie theater screen and things out side the screen are slower normal whereas on screen things might be fast normal--like seeing through a window from several feet away you can see through And the wall, but the stuff seen otherside of the wall move faster than the stuff around the window's wall--two sets of motion pace in the same view. And ypu do not analyze. You do not evaluate I might call it merely being. Remove force and you might find such a moment.

    Ahhhh! It can be key to finding flow connectivity--seperate things that move with a timing that it seems there is no stop.

    Very whatever.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oakland, CA
    and if you think that's the case then why is it so difficult to do this?
    I don't think it is. I think there is a serious misunderstanding about what constitutes "forcing" something and doing something hard, fast, with appropriate timing.

    Maximizing your attributes through appropriate technique is one thing. Thinking about something being "gentle" is, IMO probably one of the biggest misconceptions out there.
    "In the world of martial arts, respect is often a given. In the real world, it must be earned."

    "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. "--Bertrand Russell

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Montreal Canada
    Practice Siu Lim Tao very slowly and without any tensions and,you learn how to use force the Wing Chun way.
    Practice Tai-Chi and you learn how to use force the Tai-Chi way.
    Practice BJJ and you learn how to use force the BJJ way.
    All should feel the same (to an opponent) at the end.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, USA

    Warning: sunday afternoon psychobabble

    ...never mind, deleted...
    vigor rules!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    crumble, that's "VITOR" least, if that is what your sig is referring to from coutures 10 second eye cut fiasco yesterday!

    Forces are different. I am learning Yang tai chi again after many years of not practicing. It is interesting to relearn and reintroduce my self to it. This is where I'm looking at it from. I am removing the forces from myself, but not so far as to make the structure "weak". I often find that the kungfu dynamic tension will sneak in tere while I am not looking!

    I was curious as to others peoples opinions and if there is anything extra they are mindful of to correct this that I may get a tip from. Didn't want to start an argument about force! Just looking for ideas that I may not already be using from some of you guys.

    No_Know, you finally made sense to me

    Also took up Bikram Yoga which is an awesome workout. Seriously, I think anybody and everybody who is into martial arts should look into yoga as well. It is a most excellent method.

    So, I am now doing Wing Chun Kungfu, Yang Tai Chi and Yoga and I still practice some of the material I learned at the kwoon I used to attend. Pretty well rounded when it's topped off with Ch'an practice! All the forces within are different in all these practices. I feel like a sine wave!

    anyways, thanks for your responses
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ill let you know nxt sign post I find
    Originally posted by Kung Lek
    crumble, that's "VITOR" least, if that is what your sig is referring to from coutures 10 second eye cut fiasco yesterday!

    Forces are different. I am learning Yang tai chi again after many years of not practicing. It is interesting to relearn and reintroduce my self to it. This is where I'm looking at it from. I am removing the forces from myself, but not so far as to make the structure "weak". I often find that the kungfu dynamic tension will sneak in tere while I am not looking!
    that just sounds to me like you concentration or focus is breaking..are you preoccupied? Maybe before you begin, throw in a few qick basic qigong breath and cleanse and empty mind exercises???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Behind you!
    I couldn't really add anything to this thread, other than:

    Excellently put No-Know.


    Oh, and you, er, Crumble!!!
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

    Sometime blog on training esp in Japan

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    London, England
    Removing the force is not too hard to do....what is difficult is to make the techniques work without the force. To be able to do this would indicate a fantastic level of skill. Total relaxation in applied techniques is a good goal to aim for.
    I think, therefore I am awake!

    It's easier to learn to do it now and maintain it in old age than to try and learn it in old age.

    The world is my oyster.....Unfortunately I'm vegtarian.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
    Blog Entries
    "Forces are different. I am learning Yang tai chi again after many years of not practicing. It is interesting to relearn and reintroduce myself to it. This is where I'm looking at it from. I am removing the forces from myself, but not so far as to make the structure "weak". I often find that the kungfu dynamic tension will sneak in tere while I am not looking!"

    O.K. You gave comment on energy at another thread. I got that you seemed to think that the energy related to Humans was set or some such. A car battery looses energy but by design related~ to motion is replenished. That is why a battery of finite storage does not get to zero output, for the situation of a car or Human. If there is finite energy within the universe that is a Human body. With food as you mentioned and whatever else as kindling/a log on the fire, it is replenisable. Or merely milk the concept of an object in motion tends to stay in mothion (unless acted upon by external forces...Those ball sets on desks that knock back and forth though not continuously pushed by you... a pendulum frestanding--weight and string~ set in motion. Find the design that utilises what was there before.

    Do other than remove force. When you speak do you use different mixtures of exhaled gas~? I thought it was more at regulating the one breath -ish. Water from a shower head can have weak output or needle piercing force drip or shoot). Not adjusting volume, but adjusting of the flow regulator.

    Force by Humans is not set per se.

    "No_Know, you finally made sense to me"

    Perhaps to keep that going at least this post, It is the channeling, the issuance...

    "So, I am now doing Wing Chun Kungfu, Yang Tai Chi and Yoga and I still practice some of the material I learned at the kwoon I used to attend. Pretty well rounded when it's topped off with Ch'an practice! All the forces within are different in all these practices. I feel like a sine wave!"

    Wing Chun uses dynamic tension And relaxation (I suspect) for control and reaction.

    Yang T'ai Chi Ch'uan uses the force that would go into dynamic tension, for stability--Your body weight shifting through space, in the awkward balance design of one's body, control by all of the joints simulaneously and in conjunction with each other. As you get accustomed to this unison. You down size rotaions which maximizes efficiency. Dynamite is bigger, but split an atom...

    Yoga--be aware of what you would like to do and become the concept. Trying just interferes. Not to relax; and not to let go.

    Other than reducing Force. Regulating Force.

    Perhaps some might say...

    I No_Know
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

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