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Thread: ankle weights.

  1. #1

    ankle weights.

    i just bought some ankle weights (each one 2kg) and what exercises do you guys recommend with them? running, kicking, jumping? etc...

    [edit] and my goals are to have fast and powerful kicks, possibly jump higher and run faster. [/edit]

  2. #2
    I don't know about running, I never tried.
    I do kicks with them, and do them slow. Try to hold the kick out for a second or two.
    Jumping would be good too. I jump rope with mine sometimes.
    Also, from a standing position, lift your leg up slowly, and down slowly, kind of like a standing single leg lift.
    There are lots of stuff you can do, experiment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    If you do kicks with them on, make sure you do them slowly. Fast kicking with ankle weights will destroy your knees.
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  4. #4
    hey cometojesus how heavy is your ankleweight? mines about 2kg each foot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    dont run with them. If you kick, actually kick something, don't do air kicks. A good exercise is to hold you leg out straight and slowly lower it/raise it. also hold it high as possible for 1 min with the weights. Jumping isnt really recommended as it's also bad for the knees.

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