You feel you will get your ass kicked because you can't do forms ambidextrously?
Is this your meaning?
Having been on both ends of the ass kicking I would say, and I think a few will agree, that is the last thing in my mind.

Off the top of my head, a few things I recall that will affect the outcome.
1. State of mind takes top priority
2. ability to hit hard
3. ability to keep it up after a minute-stamina
4. Technique

That is about top to bottom in importance.
In training I keep the above in mind.
You notice that it is not PM specific until number 4.

I asked my shrfu a question many years ago.
Shrfu, what is better... two equally powerful 50 kilo punches or to build one arm up to a 100 kilo punch?

Without hesitation he said the 100 kilo punch of course.

In retrospect, thinking of fights I have lost, or when the winning wasn't fast enough I can see how the 100 kilo punch idea helps.

Of course hitting the bag and throwing the rock is done equally with both hands, as I don't want to look like Mr Crab..