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Thread: Red Trousers - The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Red Trousers - The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen

    I just saw Red Trousers in Berkeley last night. It's only playing for one week only two theaters here in the SF Bay Area. Red Trousers is by Robin Shou of Mortal Kombat with help from our resident columnist Dr. Craig Reid (see his write-up).

    As small indepedant films go, this is an important one, a must-see for all aficionados of HK film. It's a tribute to the unsung stuntmen, it gets into their hearts and minds. Today when it's all digital effects, to see these guys life and limb for their craft is inspirational (and a bit psycho). I hope this gets some better distribution soon - it's done by Tai Seng, so it'll probably go to DVD after it's had a theatrical run, and in truth, since it was shot on digital, there are some lacing problems so it might actually show better on the small screen instead of the big silver one. However, I'd encourage you all to check it out, not just becuase I support Craig, but because it honors the stuntmen. Everyone who dreams of going into action film should see this one.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
    Gene, I never knew you Dreameof going into action films!

  3. #3
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    He doesn't have to dream it...he lives it.
    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    that's right

    that's me, the guy in the ninja suit getting kicked in the head.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    LA TIMES : MARCH 07, 2004

    I've been meaning to post this review of RED TROUSERS for a month - check it out.

    The Tao of stuntmen
    Low pay, long hours and little, if any, safety gear are all in a day's work for those in Hong Kong's martial arts films.

    By Henry Turner, Special to The Times

    "Red Trousers" at first glance seems an odd title for an action film even if it is a documentary. The subtitle, "The Life of the Hong Kong Stuntmen," clarifies things a bit, but after watching a few minutes of the film and seeing stuntmen jump off eight-story buildings, get hit by cars, leap off bridges onto trucks and drive motorcycles off cliffs — with no or minimal ssafety gear — you might think the title of Robin Shou's film describees the color of the stuntmen's clothes when they are hauled away by paramedics.

    A star of "Mortal Kombat," "Mortal Kombat Annihilation" and "Beverly Hills Ninja," Shou has returned to Hong Kong to open a window on the industry that set him on a path to Hollywood. "Red Trousers," his directorial debut, examines not only the incredibly dangerous lives of Hong Kong stuntmen but also their origins in the Beijing Opera, where many of them trained as children, studying under acrobatics masters who wouldn't hesitate to beat them.

    "Red Trousers," Shou says, "refers to the life of indentured servitude of young children growing up in the Beijing Opera school." The film shows how this life both toughens them and makes them either disciplined or subservient enough to do whatever a stunt director asks.

    Born in Hong Kong, Shou came to the United States at age 8 when his parents immigrated. When he was a little older, he studied martial arts, ultimately becoming a champion fighter. While on vacation in Hong Kong when he was 20, Shou was approached by a film producer who cast him as the villain in a martial arts film.

    "The fight coordinator told me, 'Robin, this guy is going to kick you. I want you to hit the wall, bounce off it, fall down those stairs and then roll off and drop 10 feet to the floor — can you do that?' I had absolutelly no experience — it was my first movie. They gave me knee pads and elbow pads — that's all."

    The stuntmen's dedication is difficult to fathom. "Money is a side thing," Shou says. These are men finding their identity through their work. If you're a standout, you're able to become a coordinator and later a director or producer, and maybe one day you can have your own production company."

    Many Chinese action stars have their roots in the Beijing Opera. "The opera actors are almost like jesters from the old days — they are entertaiiners. That's where Jackie Chan's and Sammo Hung's comedic expressions are from. Everything they do is very big and exaggerated — because the oriigin is as stage performance."

    The documentary frames a live-action martial arts short film called "Lost Time." As fights take place within the short film, the documentary cuts in, showing how the stunts were accomplished. " 'Lost Time' was edited as a complete film, with the documentary footage cut in later," Shou explains. "I focused my attention on particular stuntmen and found exact points to cut in and out. I didn't want to break up the story too much. If I cut at the wrong point, neither the story or the stunts would make sense."

    Insight into stuntmen

    The short "Lost Time" was written by Craig Reid, a Westerner with years of experience in China. His life story deserves a documentary of its own. Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 16, Reid was given five years to live. He studied martial arts and ultimately made his way to Taiwan, where he learned Chinese and studied chi gong energy healing, a practice that has allowed him to stop taking pharmaceuticals. Now in his early 40s, Reid is one of the oldest living people with cystic fibrosis. He attributes his expertise in chi with saving his life.

    To make a living in Taiwan, Reid joined the stunt industry. "There were several instances on movies where I would take a hit and dislocate my neck. I split my tailbone. On one show we were doing a sequence where a guard was to come in the room and hit me in the stomach with a sword. But instead he hit me across the face and sliced my face open. Blood was oozing out of the wound, but I kept it together for a few more minutes because they were filming without any cuts. That gained me a lot of respect from the stunt director."

    Reid, who also was a freelance journalist, first met Shou while writing a profile of the star for Black Belt magazine. They soon started cowriting scripts. "He liked my philosophy on martial arts, and I think it was very rare for him to meet a Western guy who practices chi gong and uses it for the reasons I use it."

    "Lost Time" concerns an assassin named Evan (Shou), who fights evil in modern China. Ray Park, who played Darth Maul in "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace," was to play the villain, Jia Fei. But Parker's commitments to "Star Wars" publicity prevented him from taking the role — affording Reeid an opportunity to return to the screen. "I arrived in Hong Kong and Robin said … 'You're going to play Jia Fei.' So I ended up playing the baad guy."

    Reid's self-discipline in overcoming his condition, and his long experience in China, gives him insight into what motivates stuntmen. "It's about [saving] face and pride. It's not ego, it's certainly not for fame or money — an average stuntman's pay for one day is $200, and for that they will work for 18 hours. They will get one meal, which is usually rice and chicken feet, maybe some noodles, they get 10 minutes to eat, and they will do any dangerous stunt regardless of how many takes."

    He emphasizes their passion and the Chinese history of enduring hardship. "Chinese society has always been very tough. Even in today's society it's a hard place to live, and the Chinese don't complain."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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