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Thread: Choice of gf

  1. #1

    Choice of gf

    If you could choose, would you like your gf to train martial arts ? If so, which style ? Same so you two can identify with each other ? Or different so there are more to talk about ?

    And what level ? Beginner so you will forever be the source of their knowledge so they have to worship you ? Equal to yours ? Or well above you so you can have a goddess by your side ??

    Me ? I would choose someone who is on the same level as I am that trains two or more japanese arts, hopefully with weapons experience.

    Sigh........ I guess I will die, never having tasted the sweetness of love......

    edit: no, you may only select items related to martial arts. Looks and other...... interesting qualities are irrelevent

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    my wife's going to take taichi, real taichi, not hippy stuff.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    land o' sam
    my fiancée can already kick my ass, and she's never trained in a thing.
    " i wonder how many people take their post bone marrow transplant antibiotics with amberbock" -- GDA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin TX
    Yeah, but what if she lets go of the leash and horsewhip?
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Marietta, GA
    Like what kinda gf is it?

    I mean is it the "worship the ground she walks on" kinda thing?
    The type where it's not even so much looks based (albeit it plays a significant role) but you can't stop thinking about her, you're crazy about her, you can't get enough of being around her, and you're like goin nuts.
    Coz if so, I think I'd dig just about whatever she was into, doubt I'd even have a choice.

    Or is it "we cool friends just hangin out" kinda thing?
    Like you think she's attractive and she turns you on, but you go out mostly because she's cool to hang out with....
    In that case, she could elevate her hotness by being into an MA, preferrably something like BJJ (no sick oral jokes here).
    Tai chi wouldn't be so bad either, but I think I'd rather have a c0cky grappler chick than a granola eater.

    Skill level's not a big deal. Wouldn't be a big deal if she was able to slap submissions on me at will (i mean that's kind of the game in the first place), she'd still probably be open for a ground and pound (you dirty, dirty little wankers...).

    Someone of say Jenna Castillo's caliber, or Susie P could probably knock me out at will; but otherwise I doubt I'd really be looking to compete with my girl on that level. I have a real hard time hitting back in sparring sessions with females; which is selfish I know, but at the same time just doesn't feel right.

    Don't know that I could see myself going through with marrying the second one, but I've got a feeling the second one's the one you end up living better with.
    What would happen if a year-old baby fell from a fourth-floor window onto the head of a burly truck driver, standing on the sidewalk?
    It's practically certain that the truckman would be knocked unconscious. He might die of brain concussion or a broken neck.
    Even an innocent little baby can become a dangerous missile WHEN ITS BODY-WEIGHT IS SET INTO FAST MOTION.
    -Jack Dempsey ch1 pg1 Championship Fighting

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    land o' sam
    Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
    Yeah, but what if she lets go of the leash and horsewhip?
    then it loses a lot of the fun value.

    honestly, i'd like it if my fiancée was into it as well, but at my own skill level. she may one day wish to learn, but right now it holds no value to her other than 1. it makes me happy, and 2. it will keep her safe. outside of that, she doesn't give two ****s about martial arts.
    " i wonder how many people take their post bone marrow transplant antibiotics with amberbock" -- GDA

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I've identified the woman of my dreams already...... but it turns out she's not even real. ever read the alien vs predator 3 book series? The main character is machiko something. Good God what would I give to have her materialize in the real world.

    I attached a pic of the covers.
    The girl on the bottom right is a painting a I bought. Kind of has the "essence" of the girl i'd want to be with. Same with the bottom left.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    ^ drool

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Marietta, GA
    Dunno why I like this chick but:
    Voice, personality, some of the lyrics on the last album, the new york thing, i dunno....
    Weird when you don't think someone's all that hot but you dig 'em.... like a lot.

    I could go with the old standbyes of Pink, Allysa Milano, JLo (till she started singin), Jessica Alba (who I lost almost everything for after first time hearing her interview, but finished the deal with that movie *shiver*), the blonde from the Sopranos, Kelly Hu, brooke burke, shannon elizabeth, and anybody else who could fall into that category on looks.

    But media gals don't usually do all that much for me; at least not for a while.

    Then again, I haven't had a good ole crush on anyone for a while.
    What would happen if a year-old baby fell from a fourth-floor window onto the head of a burly truck driver, standing on the sidewalk?
    It's practically certain that the truckman would be knocked unconscious. He might die of brain concussion or a broken neck.
    Even an innocent little baby can become a dangerous missile WHEN ITS BODY-WEIGHT IS SET INTO FAST MOTION.
    -Jack Dempsey ch1 pg1 Championship Fighting

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero
    I prefer a girl that's about as tall as me, maybe a bit taller. A good tan is nice, but it's not a requirement. Can't be a stick figure, either; girl's gotta be athletic. She has to lift weights. Martial arts is a friggin good thing (till you start dating inside the school, then you're fugged).

    My girlfriend currently is about as tall as me (when she's not wearing shoes), looks athletic (though she isn't), has a perfect face and perfect body . . . don't see no way to improve . . . except for her favorite color . . . it's friggin blue. If it were red, then you know she was heaven sent. But BLUE?
    BreakProof Back® Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  11. #11
    Oi ! martial arts only !!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Marietta, GA
    kristen kreuk's uber hot.

    thinking about the girl i had the biggest crush on in my whole life; who recently started talkin with me again after a long time of not hearin from her. planning out what I want in a girl doesn't seem to correlate exactly to when I completely fall for one.

    like i said, tough one to call...

    my ideal girl's cute, with big doe eyes, petite, not too boney (which might be "really boney" for other folks- hard to give a metric), some curve to the behind, but stretching out the back of the jeans isn't necessary (or even all that good in some extreme cases), not huge into chest, just don't want her looking too sickly I guess...

    But then I end up falling for these girls that are a little higher up on the "voluptuous" scale; closer to what everyone else likes...
    Visually it's not as appealing to me, but being up close and personal's a different story.

    Think I still fall in the Xebby category right now for chix...
    I could probably get out of it, but I'm really picky.
    But I think I'm starting to realize what I really want and not holdin out for what's just visually appealing.
    I'd probably do a lot better if I actually talked to girls, regardless of what I look like these days. hehe
    What would happen if a year-old baby fell from a fourth-floor window onto the head of a burly truck driver, standing on the sidewalk?
    It's practically certain that the truckman would be knocked unconscious. He might die of brain concussion or a broken neck.
    Even an innocent little baby can become a dangerous missile WHEN ITS BODY-WEIGHT IS SET INTO FAST MOTION.
    -Jack Dempsey ch1 pg1 Championship Fighting

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero
    Ah. My apologies.

    I'd want a girl that did Liu He Ba Fa . . . !
    BreakProof Back® Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I honestly prefer a girl who does more european fighting..... I'm in the SCA and at events, I love watching these girls do archery, fencing, broadswords, stickfighting, etc.


    But in general, as long as the girl knows how to kick some butt, its hotness by me!

  15. #15
    Originally posted by BMore Banga
    Dunno why I like this chick but:
    Voice, personality, some of the lyrics on the last album, the new york thing, i dunno....
    Weird when you don't think someone's all that hot but you dig 'em.... like a lot.

    I could go with the old standbyes of Pink, Allysa Milano, JLo (till she started singin), Jessica Alba (who I lost almost everything for after first time hearing her interview, but finished the deal with that movie *shiver*), the blonde from the Sopranos, Kelly Hu, brooke burke, shannon elizabeth, and anybody else who could fall into that category on looks.

    But media gals don't usually do all that much for me; at least not for a while.

    Then again, I haven't had a good ole crush on anyone for a while.
    you've got good taste. Also, don't forget Gabrielle Union, Eva Mendez or Gwen Stefani.

    Back in the day, I used to really be into Daisy Fuentes.

    And I agree - kristen kreuk is hot.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

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