Originally posted by PT-Kali
First, it's all the MMA guys, then it's BJJ, and now from reading some earlier posts it's San Shou.

we don't hate it. Why would you think so? Do we think some styles can use training improvements? Sure. Do we think that there are plenty of schools teaching BS? Yup. Do we get tired of the people who buy into all of the legends and mysticism? You bet. But we don't hate tcma, onle certain aspects of it.

I can understand the "My Art is Best" philosophy (after all I picked it so it's the best art to train in)

That has nothing to do with it.

These types of cycles happen, in the '40s it was jujutsu, in the '50s it was judo, in the '60s it was karate, in the '70s it was kung fu, in the '80s it was ninjutsu, '90s BJJ, etc.

yeah, but the thing to remember is that the mainstream is visual, and unitiated to MA. they were presented with those styles, liked them and fell in love. the mainstream may get turned back on to wushu, especially if it's in the olympics, but people interested in fighting won't go running to modern wushu.

MMA is a fad, a trend if you will. And if you think San Shou will be the end-all-be-all, it won't (to me it looks like a souped-up '70s style kickboxing).

MMA is an evolution. It's the realization that in order to be the best fighter you can be, you need to be versed in all ranges of combat. That's hardly a fad. As far as san shou goes, how much experience do you have with it?