Good posts.

Actually all schools of Wushu do have their own life philosophy and unique technical solutions to common combat problems.

Wu Wei: I got lost at lot in this in my early days with teachers of Daoism and Buddhism. Bear with me. I am no expert.

I. Do nothing.
Why? Nature will take care of itself. No matter what you do will not effect the outcome. Because everything in nature follows the law/path/Dao of nature.

Government should impose fewer laws and engage in fewer wars and lower the taxes, so that people may have time to study and contribute to economy.

II. Cause and effect.
The cause is the effect. The effect is the cause. huh?

Everything is moving in a circle of time and space. It does not matter where you start in the circle of the life. The ****her you go, the closer you are to your starting point. So your future is your past (start point). your past (start point) is your future. It is Karma. It is why the cause is the effect and the effect is the cause. So it happens everyday in this life, too. Not just the past life and present life. If it does not happen yet, it surely will. It is only a matter of time.

III. Do everything (Wu Sou Bu Wei).
If you do everything, you starts a lot of things in circles. They will all come back to you. So do nothing that would effect the nature.

IV. Follow the law/Dao of the nature.
To do that, you have to study the law of nature. So that you do nothing to effect the nature. Because ill effects will befall on you if you do.

V. Do everything that is consistent with the law of nature.
Do nothing that is inconsistent with law of the nature.

Wu Wei does not mean do whatever you want or do absolutely nothing.

It means do nothing to effect the nature or harm the nature. And do everything only if it is consistent with the law of nature.

I feel very tired now. sort of brain freeze.