I appreciate your curiosity. It appeared that someone suggested (in other words) that you should "pick something and stick with it." Well, there is a reason that it is called martial ART and not martial SCIENCE. An art is self-expression. Some people are painters and some people are singers..yet they are both artists.
I think that Bruce Lee would have commended your curiousity. He too believed in studying many martial arts styles (including wrestling and American boxing) to get well rounded.
Some people are better suited to wrestling..both physically and mentally..and some people are better suited to Kung Fu. I don't think that someone can "pick one" if they haven't shopped around and found something that fits them. After all, if you are going to be expressing yourself in your combat (the martial ART of it) then you need to be doing it in something that naturally "clicks" with you, right?
Although Bruce Lee mastered Wing Chun (from Yip Man), afterward, he studied many other styles of combat. Bruce Lee was not a recognized "master" and was not an endorsed teacher of Wing Chun...alot of Wing Chuners will point this out almost in a attempt to discredit the authenticity or accomplishments of Bruce Lee. Even so, I doubt there are many, if any, Wing Chun artists today who have attained the level of speed, power, and accuracy that he had.
I say, go ahead with your research. More power to you!
I would recommend the book "The Tao Of Jeet Kune Do" by Bruce Lee if you have not already read it.