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Thread: Trapping?

  1. #16
    Sam Guest
    Trapping techniques of Fut Sao Wing Chun encompass all seven stars on the body. From each joint and points between controls to traps can be made. From redirections to checks to crossing limbs to Chin Na all done in sensitive, flowing defensive and offensive motions. Trapping techniques are enhanced by pressure, nerve, and vital points.

  2. #17
    vingtsunstudent Guest
    sihing 73

  3. #18
    benny Guest
    i was only talking about the normal person as i have never fought a high level opponent (thank god).
    thanx vingtsun student thats what i meant but as i was alittle "relaxed" i used the wrong words. how was town?
    see ya

  4. #19
    WT-Man Guest
    As I understand it, Chi-Sau is just a method to build sensitivity to energy, so that one can learn how to use another's energy to his advantage. Chi-Sau also works on timing and reflexes. In a real fight, I'm much more inclined to step off the attacker's centerline (moving to the outside gate), while still keeping mine towards him. By applying this footwork, I have the advantage of going straight into chain punches,low line kicks or applying a strong pak-sau to his striking hand or shoulder, thereby "technically" trapping him. If he has the chance to come in with a second hand or foot, then this is where sensitivity to energy becomes important, in that I want to move WITH my opponent's energy, rather that trying to use force against force. As far as trapping is concerned, I would never go into a fight with the intention of trapping. If the opportunity presents itself--great! Wing Chun has many other "tools" to bring to a fight than just trapping!! I'll get off my soapbox now--can I get an "AMEN"??

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