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Thread: Ngo Cho Kun lineage

  1. #1

    Ngo Cho Kun lineage

    According to my long research, there are two versions of Ngo cho kun. The new and the old. The old and said to have been founded in the 13th century by Bak Yu Feng. The new is founded by Chua Giok Beng, thus it has been called Ngo Cho Kun Ho Yang Pai. Ho Yang was a master of most northern style of kung fu. When Ho Yang died, he sent his remains to his village and continue studying to a lady, Ho Yang's sister (might be the lady in green dress according to Chee Kim Thong lineage.)

    It is also said that Chua Giok Beng studied the old Ngo Cho Kun to a southern shaolin temple where he also mastered healing arts and then combined Ho Yang's northern concepts to make the Ngo Cho Kun Ho Yang Pai. The healing arts can be founded in most of the ten tigers lineages (also known as the best students of Chua Giok Beng) Most of the ten tigers lineage descendants migrated in South East Asia to name some of the countries, there is the Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore.

    There is still confusion but this may be the real thing.

    For the most overseas Chinese and Fukienese it is Chua Giok Beng that founded Ngo Cho Kun. But some consider this history that i posted.

    Also found out that the chinese character of the surnames of both Chee and Chua are the same. Could they be related? Chee is the only master in his genreation that claims that Ngo Cho Kun is an old art.

    and many masters agree with Chua Giok Beng as the real founder.

    If Ngo Cho Kun is an old style why it was not so popular like those of the old like Lo Han. The concept of fighting was more simple compare to other old systems at the time.

    Both CKT and CGB lineage are different in both forms. The only thing that look the same are the termsof the forms but still only few forms has the same term. I will also like to add that each lineage has different oppening of fist or Ki Kun (oppening Form)for respect in one's lineage and two show the lineage or to honor the lineage of one's practitioner. Actually the oppening form may be a clue of how and who created Ngo Cho Kun.

    Yap Cheng Hai, Chee most trusted kung fu friend and the current highest ranking master in Chee kim Thong's lineage is said to have been the student of the late Ten Tiger, Sim Yong Tek before joining Master Chee which resides in a near country, Malaysia.

    Anway this thread wasn't made to fight or confuse both lineage but it was posted only to give attentions and few knowledge to each practitioners and those who are interested. You don't have to believe since it was the fruit of my research and from the different stories of the history of NCK that i heard.

    I tried to search as many as possible about ngo cho kun so please for those who can't agree, i'm sorry and it was just a fruit of my long research.

    For those who were interested with this pls. feel free to post in here and give your comments.
    Last edited by guanyu; 05-26-2004 at 08:40 AM.
    Guan Yu, the God of Chinese martial arts.
    Signiture technique

    A 1 inch punch to the heart -----
    A heart stopping blow, this ain't know dim mak dude

  2. #2
    send a PM to joedoe - he mainly posts on the main forum. He may have some comments.
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    - Shonie Carter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Interesting thoughts on the history of the art. I have always wondered why there are two versions of the history and just accepted that it was just the way it is. The idea of the old and new NCK is interesting.

    It is also interesting to note that the forms look different. I have always thought that at the core they are the same, just with a different emphasis. I always attribtued the difference to each lineage having a different emphasis on one of the core arts e.g. Grandmaster Chee's lineage probably favours the white crane or the monkey over the other arts, and so emphasises those attributes when doing the forms.

    As for Master Yap Cheng Hai, I do not know much about his history other than that he was the one who was responsible for convincing Grandmaster Chee to teach NCK again. For that, he has my eternal gratitude
    Last edited by joedoe; 05-26-2004 at 05:27 PM.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  4. #4
    Hi quanyu, it's always nice to know other NCK practitioners btw, where is your location? Cheers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hi! Iam just wondering where did you get an idea that our forms are different , especially the opening sequence? I done some research and ended up with an idea they 95% same.

    My research based on Aleac.Co's description of the opening fist and I myself from Grandmaster Chee lineage so I practise his version .

  6. #6
    95% really in what way same in form? The opening resembles a lineage history usually. The ckt are very more into the internal part of the system while the cgb have more on the external part. If you'll check the T stance of CHT practitioner and from a CGB practioner, you'll find which has the wider stance and which one has the narrow stance. CHT usually i found has the habit of leaning its weight in the front rather than the back leg like most some karate practitoners do. While the CGB leans its weight more on the back leg. This is based from what i seen from Grahams form and some students in Europe. I don't know if they are training the sameway with the malaysian CHT practitioners. If i was wrong sorry.
    Last edited by guanyu; 06-09-2004 at 10:10 PM.
    Guan Yu, the God of Chinese martial arts.
    Signiture technique

    A 1 inch punch to the heart -----
    A heart stopping blow, this ain't know dim mak dude

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    I disagree with you there. The Chee Kim Thong lineage uses a 60/40 or 70/30 stance with the majority of the weight on the back leg. Only in transitional movement, or in the lohan training does the weight shift to the front leg.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  8. #8
    I see sorry then I based it with John Graham's forms.
    Guan Yu, the God of Chinese martial arts.
    Signiture technique

    A 1 inch punch to the heart -----
    A heart stopping blow, this ain't know dim mak dude

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Originally posted by guanyu
    I see sorry then I based it with John Graham's forms.
    No need to apologise. Mr Graham may teach his students a little differently.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

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