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Thread: Why i like THis forum ,Please read

  1. #16
    TheBlackDragons Guest


    I GOt Jooked

    I;m glad Your my Biggest fan

    You sure remember everything i write

    are YOu a Stalker??

    The Karate Kid Rules

  2. #17
    I'm one of the afforementioned mutts, but yet still have TBDs lip prints on my arse from the sucking up...go figure.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  3. #18
    TheBlackDragons Guest


    what ever?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    i think you're missing a chromosome or two there buddy.
    where's my beer?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    hey blackdragon, one style of socialisation are you taking? Hitlers school for making freinds AND making enemies?
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  6. #21
    TheBlackDragons Guest


    actually i just posted my opinion

    take it ,,,,,, However you like

    I have a bad habit of acting on Impulse then later

    regetting ,,and or finding faults in what i did that how i lost all my Gf's I'm very far from perfect

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: BDS

    Havent been online for a few days so i didnt get to reply to
    your post until now. I remember what you have said in posts on
    different forums because they were very disrespectful to some
    arts and teachers.

    Nobody minds your comments, but you must remember others will
    also have comments and opinions in regards to your posts and you
    may not like them but also others may not agree with your parts of
    your posts and this is what makes a forum. People giving their op-
    inions and comments and it is you who seems to take offense at
    anyone debating or questioning your posts to which you say you
    will run to the Moderator or make an excuse like you were mis-

    When you made the comments on another forum that you watched
    videos of Poo Yee and Gin Foon Mark and then said that you
    thought they were both very slow and had no power that was
    stated as your own opinion and not based on Rogers website or elsewhere on the internet where you claim you were misguided.

    On the other forum you claim southern style kung fu is crap
    compared to northern Shaolin which is taught by a true Monk
    that you know and now you are singing the praises of all
    Kung Fu on this forum and this is why i posted that
    you seem to kiss butt and talk(type) out of both sides of
    your mouth. You also previously stated that you went to Poo
    Yees school in TX. for about a month or so and that you were not impressed at all and you thought spm was not very good compared to shaolin style and now you turnaround and say how you want to go back
    to Poo Yees school and how you like spm so much. This is what to me
    makes you a hypocrite. You can take this as you wish because i stand
    behind what i have said.

    I am not a bad guy or out to pick on you i am only replying
    to your own posts.I guess to me it boils down to if you come to
    a forum with respect and ask questions with respect others will
    treat you with respect and answer your questions with respect.
    Last edited by Jook Lum; 07-15-2004 at 09:58 PM.

  8. #23
    TheBlackDragons Guest


    I said i went to poo yees school and said that i quit for money reasons,
    I wanted to go learn from the monk but i cant because
    i have 3 herniated disc in my back , so cant hold low stances for long times

    The videos was gin foon mark

    THat was a time when i waas confused and stupid

    sometimes i'm just argueing points

    I have border line personalality disorder
    and so i can be very implusive sometimes

    I agree at first i was questioning poo yee teaching because of roger bs lies ,,now i know roger is the bull****ter

    and i do not like him much at all for starting all this controversy

    since my Information has been clearly cleared up by an spm instructor ,who said that he has personally touched hands with some of lam sangs disciple and asked them the whole roger /yee controverys and the exact words
    the disciples said quote " the rumors are bs AS Long as spm has the fundmentalls its true spm" So now I
    completely understand that yees teachings are legit and
    Honorable to the highest extent"

    and since i was corrected I have only the best to say about yee
    I have openly Apoligized 3 times on tonglong forums
    now i makeing friends there and there forgiveing me

    I would prefer to be your friend not enemy

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