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Thread: History repeating?????

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    LA ,
    This is what I mean by sharing concepts, but I now realize that it can't be done without establishing relationships (on some level) with the individual whom you are sharing with.

    ----- your right , that's why we should always put the individual before the lineage or system

    go to any gym and guys are just dieing to share there latest discovery , this will improve you curl or bench press , they just love what they do and love to share , theres not some creepy monk in the corner saying i have the secret to the dead lift and no one but the few that follow my path can have it ha ha

    [[[Then again, it is hard to establish trust without knowing someone beyond an internet forum.]]]

    hey you can borrow my car anytime
    If the truth hurts , then you will feel the pain

    Do not follow me, because if you do, you will lose both me and yourself....but if you follow yourself, you will find both me and yourself

    You sound rather pompous Ernie! -- by Yung Chun

  2. #17
    Originally posted by Hendrik
    Yes, there are key steps those who knows dont want others to know. and those key steps were later called ----- secret. and they exist.
    And the only reason for that is fear. Fear that if someone else knows what you know, you would lose your tactical advantage - your 'edge'.

    Whatever, I'm absolutly positive that there are many people who know what I know, my tactical advantage is strategy not technique.
    Sapere aude, Justin.

    The map is not the Terrain.

    "Wheather you believe you can, or you believe you can't...You're right." - Henry Ford

  3. #18
    Originally posted by AmanuJRY

    Then again, it is hard to establish trust without knowing someone beyond an internet forum.

    when the human is running only by the first 3 chakras, the root chakra for survival, the second chakra for desire, the third for ego which can develop into power god consciousness.

    There is no trust can be establish. The hardware takes over, when it is survival --- it is better I live and you die. When it is about desire --- it is better I enjoy and you suffer. When it is about who is better -- I will do anything and everything to keep myself as the best, know it all.

    what is the hope? none.

    So, until one can activate the 4th chakra where the heart is open and the world is not only "I". nothing will change. most in martial art still operate in the tribal and power god consciousness of spiral dynamics.

    as soon as human still operate with the firmware and operating system as the below. There is no hope. So Change that firmware and operating system.

    2. Purple: Magical-Animistic . Thinking is animistic; magical spirits, good and bad, swarm the earth leaving blessings, curses, and spells which determine events. Forms into ethnic tribes . The spirits exist in ancestors and bond the tribe. Kinship and lineage establish political links. Sounds "holistic" but is actually atomistic: "there is a name for each bend in the river but no name for the river."

    Where seen: Belief in voodoo-like curses, blood oaths, ancient grudges, good luck charms, family rituals, magical ethnic beliefs and superstitions; strong in Third-World settings, gangs, athletic teams, and corporate "tribes." 10% of the population, 1% of the power.

    3. Red: Power Gods . First emergence of a self distinct from the tribe; powerful, impulsive, egocentric, heroic. Magical-mythic spirits, dragons, beasts, and powerful people. Archetypal gods and goddesses, powerful beings, forces to be reckoned with, both good and bad. Feudal lords protect underlings in exchange for obedience and labor. The basis of feudal empires --power and glory. The world is a jungle full of threats and predators. Conquers, out-foxes, and dominates; enjoys self to the fullest without regret or remorse; be here now.

    Where seen: The "terrible twos," rebellious youth, frontier mentalities, feudal kingdoms, epic heroes, James Bond villains, gang leaders, soldiers of fortune, New-Age narcissism, wild rock stars, Atilla the Hun, Lord of the Flies . 20% of the population, 5% of the power.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    LA ,
    Originally posted by Hendrik
    Everything can be find in the Internet. But not every process can be pice up to make what one wants with some key steps leave out.

    There are no secrets in martial arts, those that hide behind are not liars but smart guys/gals purposely leave out somethings to let one delay or will never achive one's development.

    One might find the left out step in this life time, One might not.

    Yes, there are key steps those who knows dont want others to know. and those key steps were later called ----- secret. and they exist.
    First of all welcome back, second of all you believe what you have to, what ever keeps the post office hat and shot gun out of your grasp.
    But I will never by into any of the ‘’ secret crap’’
    There is only body mechanics, and attributes nothing else

    If you understand how the body works and how actions support each other by linking or disengaging, combined with the right mental intent there is really nothing all that special, what it takes is hard work and discipline to develop those skills

    And you’re right anything can be ‘’said and found ‘’ on the Internet but the reality has to be felt [ proven ]

    I have no time for illusions and ghost, stories and corpses; I leave that for the archeologists and dreamers.
    If the truth hurts , then you will feel the pain

    Do not follow me, because if you do, you will lose both me and yourself....but if you follow yourself, you will find both me and yourself

    You sound rather pompous Ernie! -- by Yung Chun

  5. #20
    Originally posted by Ernie
    hey you can borrow my car anytime

    True until it is a New Fararys (sp?) cost $500,000 and represent your status. is Fararys a car?

  6. #21
    Originally posted by Ernie

    I have no time for illusions and ghost, stories and corpses; I leave that for the archeologists and dreamers.

    High tech are not exportable. So, secrete exist.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    LA ,
    True until it is a New Fararys (sp?) cost $500,000 and represent your status. is Fararys a car?

    if i had a ferrari i think you would have to get in line with the police , because i must have stolen it and somebody's coming after me ,

    but i will always have time to pick up a friend

    he my offer still stands when you get back in town , hook up for dinner and you can shock my chakra all the way to emei

    [[[High tech are not exportable. So, secrete exist ]]]

    one mans high tech is anothers childs toy , cave man vs modern man
    Last edited by Ernie; 07-19-2004 at 09:48 AM.
    If the truth hurts , then you will feel the pain

    Do not follow me, because if you do, you will lose both me and yourself....but if you follow yourself, you will find both me and yourself

    You sound rather pompous Ernie! -- by Yung Chun

  8. #23
    Originally posted by Ernie
    go to any gym and guys are just dieing to share there latest discovery , this will improve you curl or bench press , they just love what they do and love to share , theres not some creepy monk in the corner saying i have the secret to the dead lift and no one but the few that follow my path can have it ha ha

    Originally posted by Ernie
    hey you can borrow my car anytime
    Uhh....can I use it this weekend, I got a hot date and Lawrence can attest to the fact that my current vehicle is a piece of s***!

    Originally posted by Ernie
    If you understand how the body works and how actions support each other by linking or disengaging, combined with the right mental intent there is really nothing all that special, what it takes is hard work and discipline to develop those skills
    This reminds me of a concept I was told once (it was regarding music, but it works here as well IMO).

    We don't really learn this stuff, it is already known to us from past lives (if you believe), intuition or collective subconcious, we only discover what we already know.


    I understand what you are saying, whith the chakras and spiral dynamics. How can someone encourage/inspire another to advance to these levels.
    Sapere aude, Justin.

    The map is not the Terrain.

    "Wheather you believe you can, or you believe you can't...You're right." - Henry Ford

  9. #24
    True until it is a New Fararys (sp?) cost $500,000 and represent your status. is Fararys a car?

    if i had a ferrari i think you would have to get in line with the police , because i must have stolen it and somebody's coming after me , ------- E

    Nope, I will love to see how fast a ferrari can run. It needs a courage driver right?

    By then you will know dream can be true.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    LA ,
    Uhh....can I use it this weekend, I got a hot date and Lawrence can attest to the fact that my current vehicle is a piece of shh

    he man i thought you were married

    hell come on down and pick up , and my girl has a real nice suv if youneed a little romper room

    [[[Nope, I will love to see how fast a ferrari can run. It needs a courage driver right?

    By then you will know dream can be true.]]]

    hmmm o.k. prove it
    If the truth hurts , then you will feel the pain

    Do not follow me, because if you do, you will lose both me and yourself....but if you follow yourself, you will find both me and yourself

    You sound rather pompous Ernie! -- by Yung Chun

  11. #26
    Originally posted by AmanuJRY

    I understand what you are saying, whith the chakras and spiral dynamics. How can someone encourage/inspire another to advance to these levels.
    First, you have to stand in the front line to continous doing experiments to see what is possible and what is not. Walk the talk. or try to walk the talk until the talk become the walk.

    You tell them, their dream can become real and we dont have to live as in the old ways. (I think Frankling and jeffeson those old folks proof this right? )

    BtW, it is not a voodoo about the chakras system.
    It is how the ancient trying to describe things with Energy based platform which link mind and body instead of sole physical based platform

    all CEO or VP's with ego or identity issues where they have to screem to yield to pound on others got stomach or liver qi (hypertention....) problem.

    why? it was recorded, if the third chakra energy is not balance. those are the problem.

    On the other hand, Say Fa Jing.
    it can be described in the energy based platform or physical based platform.

    Now the problem we got into is that when somebody starts to think if one gets into energy based platform can totally ignore the physical based platform ( this is a fantasy lots and lots of CMA people fantasize) , or in denial of there are existance of other based platform ( this is a rigid thought pattern where new imformation cannot free flow in) . we are doom.

    See, energy based platform also needs to manifest in the physical based platform. and physical based platform always rely on the energy based platform.

    Sure I love to play opposition between both platform to make live more intersting. hehehehe.
    reading Ernie's different view is a great check if I open my 4th chakra.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 07-19-2004 at 10:13 AM.

  12. #27
    Originally posted by Ernie

    [[[Nope, I will love to see how fast a ferrari can run. It needs a courage driver right?

    By then you will know dream can be true.]]]

    hmmm o.k. prove it

    why not?

    you live in the richest country in the world in this era. (not it the village you have to hide from the Qing and steal a bowl of rice to survive )

    you live in one of the largest city with freedom right protected.
    there are lots and lots opportunity out there.
    grap it. and buy a ferrare.

    BTW, you will be out of your mind to buy a ferrare to expect no over speed driving.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 07-19-2004 at 10:11 AM.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ottawa, Canada
    Originally posted by Hendrik
    BtW, it is not a voodoo about the chakras system.
    It is how the ancient trying to describe things with Energy based platform which link mind and body instead of sole physical based platform

    See, energy based platform also needs to manifest in the physical based platform. and physical based platform always rely on the energy based platform.

    Sure I love to play opposition between both platform to make live more intersting. hehehehe.
    Hey Hendrik,
    Is emotion a link between mind and body?


  14. #29
    Originally posted by burnsypoo
    Hey Hendrik,
    Is emotion a link between mind and body?


    Emotion started with the mind grasp itself.

    such as when you get mad the more you think (grasp) about the disturbing thoughts the more your get mad.

    it is perfectly normal to have sensasion and aware of the sensation. but once the mind grasp itself or spiral down the thoughts... emotion form and we can get ourself into trouble because it is always difficult to spiral upward.

    Just some opinions.

  15. #30
    BtW, it is not a voodoo about the chakras system.- hendrik
    I agree fully. I have studied Kundalini (sp?), but have not been formally trained. One way I use to try to show people is, where do you feel the 'energy' when you feel emotion, always it has been where the chakra assosiated with that emotion is.

    he man i thought you were married?hell come on down and pick up , and my girl has a real nice suv if youneed a little romper room - Ernie
    Married????.......oh, yeah your right.

    Actually I was going to have my wife dress up so I could pretend I was with someone else.

    As for romper room, it had better be a suburban, cause I'm a wild man.
    Sapere aude, Justin.

    The map is not the Terrain.

    "Wheather you believe you can, or you believe you can't...You're right." - Henry Ford

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