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Thread: difference between gao and cheng style

  1. #1

    difference between gao and cheng style

    hi there,

    i heard that gao style of bagua came from the cheng style, i wonder what are the main difference and similarities with the cheng style
    investing in loss...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    austin/houston, tx
    gao style has 64 linear post heaven palms. cheng style per say has it too but its not organized the way gao style's is. liu feng tsai, gao yi shengs grandnephew/disciple was known for his preheaven circle walking, palm changes, etc. the rest of gao's disciples were mostly known for their ho tien post heaven 64 linear fighting techniques, especially zhang jun feng of taiwan as well as wu meng xia (they were big men). the 64 palms are gao's "specialty" palms.

    gao claims that he got his 64 post heaven from a daoist song yi ren, but actaully (according to evidence by professor kang ge wu) he organized it from what he learned form song chang rong, chou (sorry kind of late cant remember the rest of his name i think it was chou yi hsiang), cheng ting hua as well as his previous "external training" such as da hong chuan.

    i am not a gao stylist (i am yin style gong bao tian branch), i will post more details later if i can though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    As well, Gao studied Xingyi which probably had an influence on his Houtain. Also supposedly Han Muxia's houtian was the same as Gao's and Han taught before Gao. Gao and Han shared a student, Wu Mengxia.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    austin/houston, tx
    he supposedly learned his hsing yi from his friend li tsun yi. zhang jun feng (gao's student) also learned from li tsun yi.

    its still "cheng style" but it deviates from cheng ting hua's original material somewhat.

    most bagua people emphasize the circle walking. liu feng tsai stated that "gao's true kung fu was in the circle walking", but the rest of gao's students seem to have emphasized the ho tien 64 linear fighting palms to a greater extent.

    wang shu jin learned some gao style from zhang jun feng.

    gao also has 10 palm changes. singl palm change, 8 dragon palms i think its called, and the black dragon shakes its tail.

    info from pa kua chang journal, as well as chinese texts such as taiwan wu lin.

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