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Thread: Breathing exercise or Qi Gong

  1. #136
    Originally posted by Kung Lek

    There are numerous records of emmanuel bar joseph (Jesus Christ) Outside of the Bible and the gospel.
    Actually, only about three -

    Tacitus writes about the execution of Christ under the reign of Tiberius when discussing Nero's persecution of Christians in Annals,

    Seutonius makes reference to "Chrestus" instigating Jews to disturbance, leading them to be expelled from Rome, in his Life of Claudius,

    and Flavius Josephus wrote briefly about Jesus' life and execution in his History of the Jews.

    The fact that there are so few isn't really that notable, though - there aren't many historical records at all surviving from that particular time period and region.
    "hey pal, you wanna do the dance of destruction with the belle of the ball, just say the word." -apoweyn

  2. #137
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Originally posted by MMARULESonTMA
    Li Hongzhi is real life.
    I would like to tell you a story.

    In Ethiopia, in the first half of the twentieth century, was an emperor called Halie Selassie.

    He really existed. He was "real life".

    Now around the world in Jamaica, a bunch of guys got it into their head that they were the lost tribe of Israel. According to their thinking, they had been stolen by the slave traders from the promised land. This promised land was Africa. Now, many of these people began to read the scriptures - often the only book they had access to. In the bible, reference to people of their skin tone was "Ethiops" ie: people from Ethiopia. Ergo Ethiopia was the promised land. Now these people heard some of the titles accredited to Emperor Selassie and noticed some (accidental) similarities to other references in the Bible. They decided that the emperor of Ethiopia was the living messiah and that their life goal was to return to Ethiopia to be near him. Most were so poor that they never went.

    This religion still exists to this day - it's still kinda whacky but so are most religions.

    My point is: just because your Messiah is still alive don't make it a "better" religion.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  3. #138
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe
    for once me and unkokusai agree on something...
    Don't panic, I'm sure it's only temporary.

  4. #139
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    Wisdom suggests that those in control of their emotions simply ignore the recurring invasion of the Trollius Supremius.. (MMARULESonTMA).. Falun Gong is a passing annoyance and unworthy of such attention.. focus on issues that have merit..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  5. #140
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Pliny the younger makes reference to him and his followers albeit in the year 111CE.

    I would also add that teh quran refers to Jesus
    and Jewish texts refer to him as well.

    these all fall outside of "the bible" as we know it.

    It si believed that a good deal of the Roman records were lost in the Jewish rebellion in 66 ce, but stuff turns up on a pretty regular basis about the guy.

    anyway, there's more than three but there are some very notable refs that have nothing to do with the religious texts.

    just matters of record, so, Jesus is not really a mythical character in that sense. One could debate his divinity, but debating his existance is egrigious.

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #141
    I found a website with drawings of Lam Si Wing doing the Iron Thread but unfortunately the static drawings do not include transition comments of any sort. Also there was some variance between the Lam Si Wing drawings and the postures taught by my Sifu and yet from my personal experience (admittedly limited) the form of Iron Thread taught at my Kwoon is quite effective. What are the thoughts of the forumites regarding the evolution of Qigong forms through transmission vis. oral tradition?
    Hello SimonM,

    I am fairly certain Lam Sai Wing's book on Iron Wire includes instructions, because I've seen it at the local (chinese) library. I think there is a translation somewhere out there, you may have to look it up on the web.

  7. #142
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Yeah, I've seen the book advertised online. It's just too rich for my impoverished blood at the moment. Pretty much every penny I make is being saved for my upcoming trip to China.

    (Even teaching English, there are still setup costs - including the cost of the TESL course - to pay before I can go around the end of the winter.)
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  8. #143
    Originally posted by Kung Lek
    Pliny the younger makes reference to him and his followers albeit in the year 111CE.

    I don't really count Pliny as a direct reference to Jesus, because all his descriptions come under the form of "His followers say that..."

    I would also add that teh quran refers to Jesus
    and Jewish texts refer to him as well.

    these all fall outside of "the bible" as we know it.

    The quran does, yes, but it comes much later and refers to much Jewish myth, too... I don't consider it a historical source. There are a few jewish texts that make reference to a Yeshua ben Paradas, but it's unclear whether this is definitely Jesus (circumstances seem to fit, but it's a bit vague.)

    just matters of record, so, Jesus is not really a mythical character in that sense. One could debate his divinity, but debating his existance is egrigious.

    Oh, yeah, Yeshua ben Yosef definitely existed. What he did and said is up for debate, but we're as sure about his existence as we are about anything from that time period.
    "hey pal, you wanna do the dance of destruction with the belle of the ball, just say the word." -apoweyn

  9. #144
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ill let you know nxt sign post I find
    Originally posted by TaiChiBob

    Wisdom suggests that those in control of their emotions simply ignore the recurring invasion of the Trollius Supremius.. (MMARULESonTMA).. Falun Gong is a passing annoyance and unworthy of such attention.. focus on issues that have merit..

    Be well..
    falun should be considered in some capacity for big - picture take on life........... it was impactual............

    I think LiHongZhi just instructed really badly........ his concepts weren't too off the wall, but at higher level cultivation he missed a trick or three...........

    don't razz the dude for sharing and because we're all open minded players, ne need for judgement. right K???

  10. #145
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    blooming lotus


    don't razz the dude for sharing and because we're all open minded players, ne need for judgement. right K???
    If the "dude" were sharing, i would certainly accommodate... but, the single-minded approach with a conversion agenda tends to get annoying.. the consistent discounting of historically verifiable disciplines (QiGongs) tends to get annoying... I visit these forums with a keen interest in learning, not to observe a multi-banned personality hijack the topic..

    I have read Falun Gong's books.. taken several seminars.. know 2 practitioners personally.. and, based on my own experiences, find some wisdom in the movements, but little wisdom in the writtings/philosophy, and, no respect for Li, he rants like a madman deluded with his own insights.. aside from that, if whomever the personality is wishes to stay on topic i will have no quarrel.. but, i am saddened at the deterioration of so many of these threads at the hands of those with no real objective toward self-improvement or the Arts i find so tangible and rewarding...

    With a history of being banned for precisely the same tactics, even if its not the same person, whomever "MMARULESonTMA" is should have a modicum of respect for the wishes of those using this thread with sincerity..

    Be well...
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  11. #146
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    he's a kid, in a basement at his moms house and his only friend is his high speed connection and porn sites.

    What can you expect in this day and age of a steady diet of electrons, speculation and conjecture?

    2 more generations and there is gonna be a heaping helping of trouble on the planet. Just by understanding the concept of cause and effect, this is quite apparent.

    ah well, hopefully i will be dead by then.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #147
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ill let you know nxt sign post I find
    seem a little passoinate and single minded about it yourself there bob......

    falun is like that I guess, it's an intimate practice.........

    fair score all round, but discussion should be encouraged as far as I'm concerned, and rebuke should be delivered kindly...... but then again I'm a buddhist and prefer peaceful means

  13. #148
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    blooming lotus: I have engaged the personality of MMARULESonTMA on numerous occasions and with far more tolerance than most.. but, even a good Buddhist does not repeatedly touch the hot stove.. i do accept some of the criticism as valid, though.. compassion is a core belief of mine and i suppose i didn't show much of it.. oh well, perfection is a high standard...

    seem a little passoinate and single minded about it yourself there bob......
    Absolutely!! i am indeed passionate about self-improvement.. and single-minded (if you mean focused) when it comes to obstacles in the path.. as for Falun Gong, i gave it a fair shake.. i studied it, i trained in its discipline, and i listened to my heart.. like i said, much of the movement has merit.. but, the philosophy negates even that (IMHO)..

    Kung Lek: Exactly, in 2 generations MMA matches will be 2 guys sitting in opposite corners with laptops and wireless connections dissin' each other until one begins crying.. not to mention the cultural deterioration of most other values..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  14. #149
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ill let you know nxt sign post I find
    Originally posted by TaiChiBob

    blooming lotus: ..............

    Absolutely!! i am indeed passionate about self-improvement.. and single-minded (if you mean focused) when it comes to obstacles in the path..

    Be well..

    I love hearing that jazz

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