(If I were smart i probably wouldn't wade into this... oh well)

Just as point of language dian-xue literally means to "dot" the "cavity." Xue here is often misunderstood as blood, a homynym, but refers to a cave or acupoint, not just blood vessels. Death is not part of the equation, in fact there is a method for Tuina massage called Dain-Xue-Fa, or cavity pressing method.

The idea that ancillary training is time wasted presumes that more is better when in comes to primary training, and long widom has proved this false. Its called over-training, something martial artists are notorious for. To get the most benefit from your training you need to break it up with other activities that allow time for assimilation and integration by the central nervous system and the body's contractile tissue.

How many times have you had a breakthrough, then trained like mad in boyish (or girlish) delight? Did you know that your brain would rather step back the activity/work level for two hours then review the material again? This way the new information sinks the deepest into the body-memory and can be recalled more completely at a later date. The idea that this training is wasted goes hand in hand the argument that time spent on theory is wasted, but thats for another contentious thread.

"The heart of the study of boxing is to have natural instinct resemble the dragon" Wang Xiangzai