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Thread: the Pikachu model part 1 -- the concept of Sky Earth Human

  1. #1

    Talking the Pikachu model part 1 -- the concept of Sky Earth Human

    hendrik's last writing which was not post in the "Remember Tien Die Yan" post while his vanishing---

    the Pikachu (sky earth human) model or simply the PIKACHU MODEL.

    Momentum, Shape, and Jing (power) are the three important basic components of CMA such as White Crane Weng Chun of Fujian.

    These Momentum, Shape, and jing (power) are indeed refer to As Dee Ren Tien. and it is a tangible concept instead of a symbolic one.

    Here I try to explain this model in my understanding. So, hopefully, this will generate lots of other ideas and so healitly positively grow this topic. As the Chinese Said, throwing the brick to attrack the Jade. Here I throw my brick. So you who have the Jade or better ideas please share with all of us.

    The "body" of the Dee Ren Tien as I have posted before is

    Dee = Earth = Allowed the support of the Earth power or mother nature Ren = Human = Awareness
    Tien = Sky = Empty the attachment/habit/belive....etc

    This is a model for one "works" with one's living in all occation or different situation of live.
    This is a Way of life in a sense.

    The "application" of the Dee Reen Tien is

    Dee = Earth = Momentum
    Ren = Human = Shape
    Tien = Sky = Jing (power)

    This above is a model for martial art training.

    People might then ask why so? how so? what is the significant?
    The "body" is about pointed out the platform of a cultivation. without the platform if one dont carry on the daily living properly then the foundation will be weak interm of mind and body.

    The " Application" is very specifically point out the direction of martial art cultivation. however, it needs the support of the "body: or the platform since, if the platform is weak. The "application: will be weaken or imbalance.

    So, if One can make and integration of both the "Body" and " Application" one arives at such as

    Dee = Earth = Allowed the support of the Earth power or mother nature = momentum
    Ren = Human = Awareness = shape
    Tien = Sky = Empty the attachment/habit/belive....etc = jing

    As a human, our "capital/resources" is Awareness. Say we want to move a chair. Our Awareness/mind itself is not enough, we need the help of the physical body. and, in the same way, if we want to learn something new. The mind itself is not enought either, we need to "know" how gather new imformation and to make room for the new things, and happen very often, we need to get rid of our believe or habit which was influenced or condition by our environment which we dont even know or hold it as the TRUTH of the universe blindly, in the Zen terminology, that is "empty the cup".

    In term of martial art, Human can make up lots of different "shapes" with our body or intend, however, without the support of the gravitation force, these shapes are not that usefull. some might then argue, well we can use muscle power.
    Certainly that is true. However, there is a different in term of if one drop a golf ball from top of sky scrapper then one uses one's hand to throw the goft ball is hard as possible.

    As for Jing or power, one can see it as Momuntum direct via Intend. So, Momentum is something which is there, the power is there to be used. Shape is the catalis of this Momentum. and Jing is the power release directed by the intention or tailor by the Shape and Support by the Momentum.

    As an Example, In the training of SLT, there atleast have three parts of training. 1, the training of manifest proper shape both in physical and mind . 2, the training of manifest the proper momentum. 3, the training of manifest of proper power.

    As an general example of proper shape, that is say a sun punch, it has to be perform in such a way that it accord to the physical body nature, breathing, intent.
    For the proper momentum, it has to perform in such a way that the shape lead to a proper momentum generation which always stay in a nature balance dynamic state with a positive generated resultant force with can be utilized.
    For the proper power, it has to generate a force which is triggle, "shape" by the intend of mind and the shape of the physical body, support by the momentum, travel into the intended direction.

    The training of awareness, intention. Qi medirian, breathing then can be view as the secondary level of training which aid the above interm of sensitivity, flow,....etc

    This above presenting a conceptual big picture, as for the process of operation details there are another big issues in chinese martial art IMHO. Very oftern, in Chinese martial art tradition or Qigong or Zen or TCM, the philosophy, theory will be presented in great lenght, however, the concept will not be presented clearly, even worst the process of operation will be kept only among a few. This type of information handling has both its pro and con. the benifit is that it is not easy for one to "steal" the Inteligent Property or IP as in todays language. Thus, it serves as a great infomation protection. one can know all about the general Philosophy and Theory, however, one will lost in different interpretations to not be able to easily see the concept. If one finally come to the proper concept, still, one has a long way to know the proper process of operation. Thus, there is a long long difficult or almost impossible way to produce the final result.

    and Bottom line, without the process of operation, idea doesnt manifest itself into physical form, all becomes paper exercises.

    The problem with this type of imformation handling is as we all know. things got "forgoten" in the process of transmition. As Ven. HaiDen of Shao Lin address in the City of Ten thousand Buddhas in California while he was lecturing there --- If one generation keeps one third of the information for personal reason, then at the grandstudents generation there almost no imformation left to study.

    as we know "the cream of the crops "where often "forgoten" to be pasted down to the second generation. Leave the second generation with only 66% of the art. the art will then become not that impressive at all. then at the third generation there is very likely only 33% of the art left on the table. is that still an art? or is it has become a fracture unusefull piece?
    Last edited by Phenix; 09-16-2004 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #2

    The Pikachu model Part 2 --- The practice

    So, what is this PIKACHU (Sky Earth Human ) model offer us interm of usefullness in practical daily living after the presentation of the concept?

    Sky Earth Human can be use as a tool in daily life that

    One can constantly asked oneself daily with 3 questions scan onself to allow one to center oneself naturally.

    Ask and wait to see what manifest instead of busying answering. Dont think, but watch and observe what shows up.

    (human) Am I aware of body, breathing, thoughts, and the environment?

    (earth) Do I allowed the nature, the environment, the people surround me to support me in a relax and easy manner, and positive, healty, and nature way?

    (view even the opposition of others as a support to oneself to grow. Without the heat there is no way to make steel. So instead of against it, allow the opposition to manifest and let it support oneself.
    So support is about multi dimenional not a singer dimentional. )

    (Sky ) Do I Empty the attachment/habit/belive with my mind always living in the present and open?

    While doing SLT, one can spend a few minutes to take time to ask questios, Scan and center oneself before one starts the practice . one can do the same before each section or even technic to center and gain insight if needed.

    Ask :

    (human) Do I Aware of my body, my breathing, my thoughts. my momentum, my direction of force? Do I aware of what I want to manifest and my environment?

    (earth) Do I allowed my body, the mother nature, the earth power, the environment, the surrounding to support me in a relax and easy manner and positive ,healty , and nature way?

    (Sky ) Do I Empty the attachment/habit/belive of my mind/body/breathing/movement with my mind always living in the present and open?

    At work, or at school,

    spend a 1 to 5 minutes Ask:

    (human) Do I aware of what I want to manifest and my environment?

    (earth) What is the next action I need to take to manfiest what I want in a easy relax manner and positive/healty/nature way?

    (sky) Do I Empty the attachment/habit/belive of my mind/body/breathing/movement with my mind always living in the present and open?

    As for Wing Chun Kuen development, I believe,
    the first level is the development of the Human or Awareness,
    The second level is the development of the momentum,
    The third level is the development of the Jing (power)

    With doing sets and Chi Sau one develop the Awareness.

    With practicing the prolong stance standing, Dummy, Chi Sau, heavey bag, sparing, and weapon such as the pole one develop the momentum handling.

    While getting fluent with the lever one and two with the training focus into intention manualing lead one to develop the Jing handling. And one further develop the silence watcher of the thinker.

    certainly, since Wing Chun Kuen teaching is not and cannot be have a Complete of EVERYTHING. While in the development of every level, technology outside of Tranditional Wing Chun Kuen has to be integrated in various case and further into the Localization Evolution or Revolution. This is a reality and pragmatic issue. There is no such thing as One has it all because the conciousness and the technology in this world is growing and evolving or revoluting. It is a violation of the principle of the SKY that one live in the past and lock up in the time capsule of the past. Imagine even if Gautama Buddha reborn in today's world, even him has to learn how to use note book computer, talk with cell phone, and drive a car. There is no exception.

    As in fighing,

    There are also three levels

    The human which is the limb technics level
    The Earth which is the momentum management level
    The Sky which is the Jing (power) flow level.

    I have read some where that Gandhi Said, one cannot be very right in a part of one's life and very wrong in other part.

    A practice needs to be practiced in every faces of living, to make it stick. otherwise, one might always living in conflict and confusion without knowing the direction where to go, the position where one at.

    This above is not prove read. it is my version 0. I just type what in my mind spontaneously. Since I think it is more important to capture my inspration for this topic then to be in perfect state of correctness.
    Finally, since this is a presentation of my understanding of the topic, Since I am not a Buddha or know it all, please just take whatever make sense and drop whatever is not make sense. I myself is evolving too. so, please do not expect what I said as cast in stone truth. The are unlimited path to go to the top of the mountains.

    however, as Gandhi said, again, one cannot be very right in a part of one's life and very wrong in other part.

    An integration is not a storage mix with different unrelated things.
    and you dont have to buy my book or walk my path. Walk your own and write your own book for one has to swim in one's own river.

    while I am vanishing into the world of PIKACHU!
    Best Wishes for all,
    Live in NOW, with an open heart, fresh mind, easy and relax, positive, healty and nature living. Always happy and prosper!
    Last edited by Phenix; 09-16-2004 at 10:02 AM.

  3. #3

    The Pikachu model part 3 --- A love before time

    If the sky opened up for me,
    And the mountains disappeared,
    If the seas run dry, turned to dust
    And the sun refused to rise
    I would still find my way,
    By the light I see in your eyes.
    The world I know fades away
    But you stay.
    As the earth reclaims its due,
    And the cycle starts anew,
    We'll stay, always
    In the love that we have
    Shared before time.
    If the years take away
    Every memory that I have
    I would still know the way
    That would lead me back to your side.
    The North star may die
    But the light that I see in your eyes
    Will burn there always
    By the love we have
    Shared before time.
    When the forest turns to jade,
    And the stories that we've made
    Dissolve away
    One shining light will still remain.

  4. #4

    The pikachu model final --- the dance of PIKACHU

    the dance of PIKACHU of Sky, Human, Earth ---->

    Pika Pika Pika Chu. hahahahaha.

    Poof , the phenix too burn and GONE with the wind. dust to dust.....

    Spring is here.
    Last edited by Phenix; 09-16-2004 at 09:57 AM.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the nice rainbow, Phoenix!

    Over The Rainbow

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Way up high
    There's a land that I heard of
    Once in a lullaby

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Skies are blue
    And the dreams that you dare to dream
    Really do come true

    Some day I'll wish upon a star
    And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
    Where troubles melt like lemondrops
    Away above the chimney tops
    That's where you'll find me

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly
    Birds fly over the rainbow
    Why then, oh why can't I?
    Some day I'll wish upon a star
    And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
    Where troubles melt like lemondrops
    Away above the chimney tops
    That's where you'll find me

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly
    Birds fly over the rainbow
    Why then, oh why can't I?

    If happy little bluebirds fly
    Beyond the rainbow
    Why, oh why can't I?

  6. #6

    PIKACHU MODEL Summarization

    PikaChu model

    (human) Am I aware of the body, the breathing, the thoughts, and the environment?

    (earth) Do I allowed the nature, the environment, the people surround me to support me in a relax and easy manner, and positive, healty, and nature way?

    (Sky ) Do I Empty the attachment/habit/belive with my mind always living in the present and open?


    Put in an easy to remember form where it takes little memory to remember and can be evoked anytime with lightning speed.

    Pikachu model:

    (human) Am I living in Now?
    (Earth) Am I living in confident?
    (Sky) Am I living in ZEN?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Prajna-parmaita Hrdaya Sutram


    Originally posted by Hendrik
    Good bye to the forum

    I would like to say good bye from this forum to lots of friends here. Thanks for the fun.

    I would like to say good bye to Rene, Robert, Andreas, Ernie, Pual, KJ, Matrix, Planet Wing Chun , Joy, David in Sandiago, DZu... BoB, Jim..YYLEE.. Phil... so here on thier names not get drop ...

    I would like to say good bye to those who hates me deep in their guts that now you have peace. it is very suffocate to choking each others. Not Zen at all.

    Bye bye

    Originally posted by Matrix
    The show is over. Hendrik doesn't sing here any more.

    Do you feel the full impact of that statement? It is really quite a remarkable thing to say.

    One of my deep convictions is that we need to pay more attention to hahaha than hendrik. They reflect and interpret our world.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Do you feel the full impact of that statement? It is really quite a remarkable thing to say.
    Like a bullet in the chest. Man, that's gonna hurt in the morning.
    'Talk is cheap because there is an excess of supply over demand'

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