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Thread: Interesting side effect

  1. #1
    OldFatBaldGuy Guest

    Interesting side effect

    I've been studying Taiji for around 3 years (or has it been 4?). Anyway, since I started I haven't had a cold or flu once. One or two years I could chalk up to luck, but three (or four) seems to be pushing the limits of luck. Has anyone else had this kind of luck/benefit from their training? What other beneficial side effects have you experienced? I've also noticed some interesting/bizarre changes in my skeletal and muscular make up, but I'll save that for another thread. To quote the Grateful Dead, "What a long strange trip it's been."



    "Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change."

  2. #2
    joedoe Guest
    Well, I haven't been as lucky as you - I still get sick :). The only difference is that when I do get sick it doesn't knock me about as badly as it used too. Also, I generally heal faster from sprains, cuts, bruises etc.

    Guns don't kill people, I kill people

  3. #3
    fiercest tiger Guest

    sick *******

    hahahaha the sick man of australia!

    i never really get sick, only if ive been partying. only recently ive been run down, and felt tired, but bad diet and to much stress can do this.

    i think its kung fu that stops illnesses, depends on your chi level and diet!


  4. #4
    TheBigToad Guest
    The Major Internal arts of Taijiquan, Baguazhang, Liuhebefachuan, YiQuan and to a lesser degree Xinyiquan; all have a profound effect on rubbing and washing out the Lymphatic system of the body, this induces a very powerful state of health and detoxifies the body before infection can set in.
    The Nine Dragon System (Jiulong Baguazhang) method of which I now dedicate my study have various circle walking method designed for the purpose of washing the lymphatic system, I have notice that I rarely if now get sick and when I do its for a day and its very mild.
    The Internal Arts also play a lot with the mind and its connection to the body in letting us consciously delve in and experience what you feel like on the inside. Especially Bagua where circle walking can induce a pseudo-hypnotic effect and lower EKG levels in the brain starting mediation like state which even meditation alone has powerful effect on the respiratory and circulatory functions of oxygen and the blood mixing together, the body begins to strengthen or repair even both at the cellular level and since when we think all our 100 trillion cells are linked and are effected by what we feel and think and our emotions, the body in general heals as a whole because the general good nature and a peaceful mind set most internal people get from practice. We change from and destructive and self defeating attitude and change to one of strength, health and self worth.
    For all of you that don't believe or can't understand that there is a definite and powerful link between how you feel, look and the state of health is largely determined on your thoughts and life outlooks a great wake up call and self examination is needed.

  5. #5
    wujidude Guest

    Taijiquan does not stop hair loss. I speak from experience ;- ).

    I think Kevin is right on with his observation about the connection between mind and body and health. These internal arts all affect that . . . positively if practiced correctly, negatively if practiced the wrong way.

  6. #6
    batesy Guest

    internal arts and illness

    Since starting serious qi gong training (ie every day), as an asthmatic I have been able to drastically reduce my level of inhaler use. I still get sick but have been able to have totally inhaler free weeks for the first time in my life (I'm 31), I attribute this to qi gong and TCM. I'd be interested to hear from other asthmatic internal students, especially regarding training routines.

  7. #7
    patriot Guest

    jargon heavy

    Would someone explain how one gets:
    - detoxified? Would doing Bagua be the solution to GW Bush's arsenic in water problem.
    - have the lymphatics rubbed and washed? Would Bagua help cleaning my dirty laundry?
    - the oxygen mixed with blood? I thought oxygen binds to heamoglobin, or are we talking a recipe for Bloody Mary?

  8. #8
    devere Guest
    Kevin, why do you say Xingyiquan isn't isn't as beneficial for you internally as the three arts? Thanks.

  9. #9
    TheBigToad Guest


    I have just been told while Xingyiquan practice will make you very strong and a good fighter it's health benefits are lower on the scale of Baguazhang and Taijiquan. I LOVE Xingyiquan, far more then Taijiquan(thats just me) but its doesn't have as much twisting and stretching as Baguazhang or Taijiquan, which is what helps detoxify the system.

  10. #10
    joedoe Guest

    I don't do an internal style, but I find if I don't get to train a little every morning, my asthma gets worse.

    Guns don't kill people, I kill people

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