Originally posted by Enforcer-
according to police statistics the attacker almost always defeats the defender. And a guy who is alot bigger and stronger than you that knows how to fight or is on pcp and has no pain will win anyway. Or even a skinny kid could be in your face and knee you in the nuts than knee you in the face.
Enforcer, no offense, but have you ever been in a real fight? I had the misfortune in my younger days of hanging out with a pretty rough crowd, and I think I saw just about every kind of fight imaginable. Most of the fights I saw were decided by something other than first punch thrown/landed UNLESS they were a blind-side sucker punch or blind side weapon attack. Any time two people actually squared off, I'd say the first really good shot LANDED is what decided the fight.

I can't tell you how many times I saw some moron toss out about 8 haymakers and miss, while the other person just bided their time and then really lit into them when they had an opening.