
Simplify, simplify, simplify!!! then, when you have simplified all you can, simplify some more.. that will allow the natural joy and ecstasy that is inherent in living to emerge.. it is the complexities that we blindly accept that hide our simple and natural joy.. without the complexities to deceive us clarity emerges and we can see symbiosis of all things working in harmony..

The "basic joy" is always there but too often we overlook it in our misplaced need to organize and control our surroundings and our lives.. Joy arises from spontanaeity, from the pure awe and rush of surprise as life unfolds before us... it is our training in the internal arts that prepares us to accept this unfolding in a natural and calm spirit.. knowing that we are prepared to accept whatever unfolds.. it is like surfing, we generally understand wave action but each wave (situation) is unique..and after years of surfing (training) we learn to deal with the surprises nature (life/conflict) throws at us.. what is left is the joy of living in the moment as life unfolds... simplifying our lives allows us time to simply be in the moment, to live life on the cutting edge..

Be well...