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Thread: large golden bell

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    Ask Enforcer what Tim Cartmell said when he posted the same question there. GBC as a means of avoiding being cut is crap. No go away Bloomie, adults are talking.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Jersey United States
    Look, iron skills are a forte of mine and of as greater interest to me shaolin and southern stylings which your comments also deficate all over. A troll is a troll , but you're getting ludicrous! Why you persit in speaking rubbish, I don't understand. Shut up or contribute ( in what ever capacity you deem relevant ) to the discussion topic .......okay!!
    Last edited by Ego_Extrodinaire; 10-24-2004 at 09:33 AM.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    If you jump on a trampoline and then can't jump off of the ground after that you have some serious problems with your balance and neurological coordination. An untrained 5 year old could do that, so I hope that your kung fu isn't hindering that ability.

    Now, it feels funny to jump on the ground right after being on a trampline because of short term neurological adaptation, but you're not jumping any lower than you would otherwise (unless your legs are really tired from being on the trampoline). It just feels like you're not jumping as high because of what you were just doing.

    It's kind of like if you rollerblade for an hour or so and then take off the skates and jump as high as you can. It feels like you're jumping really high because you just took 5lbs of weight off of each foot. But guess what? You're jumping the same height as you normally would.

    So as I see it, there are only two ways being able to jump higher could work. One, you get stronger (big Olympic lifters have insane vertical jumps due to the nature of their explosive lifting, despite being 300+ lbs sometimes), or two, you get lighter (less weight to move). Since lightness training doesn't require you to go on a diet, it therefore must work my somehow strengthening the legs.

    Or does it "use qi to make the body lighter?"
    "If you like metal you're my friend" -- Manowar

    "I am the cosmic storms, I am the tiny worms" -- Dimmu Borgir

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard.

  4. Bruce Lee never backed down from a challenge.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    "Look, iron skills are a forte of mine"

    A forte? So if I hit you, you can withstand it? Apart from using my neijin, which will make you want to spit blood, I'm 195 lbs. You would be seriously hurt.

    "and of as greater interest to me shaolin and southern stylings which your comments also deficate all over."

    Is there a thought here?

    "A troll is a troll , but you're getting ludicrous!"

    If you can't stand the heat...

    "Why you persit in speaking rubbish, I don't understand."

    You don't understand so you think it's rubblish. I'm trying to teach you Michelle, but you don't have the capacity for understanding.

    "Shut up or contribute ( in what ever capacity you deem relevant ) to the discussion topic .......okay!!"

    Which part of GBC is a waste of time didn't you get? You think it's a part of Xingyi, it's not. You know nothing about xingyi but insist on commenting. I could challenge to a little game but you'd lose that too.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    "Bruce Lee never backed down from a challenge."

    Why are you discussing dead actors? What did Tim tell you about gold bell cover, enfo?
    Wan't it: "Large Golden Bell" isn't a lost art. There isn't now nor has there ever been any method of making the body impenetrable to edged weapons. These kinds of fantastic stories were made popular in the "martial hero" novels of a century ago."

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Houston Texas

    And the world is flat.

    Who is to say what can happen and what can't happen.
    In history, many you can'ts and thats fantasy has been proven differant. for example:

    "The World is flat!"
    "Men on the moon...hahaha"
    Another way to look at it is, Do you believe in the bible? or Buddhism, etc. if so saving oneself from a knife wound is cake.

    Beleive it or not. I have seen masters take hits as I said in one of my posts. I have no reason to lie, nor is it in my nature to want to promote fantasy. But I undrestand you. I was the same way until I did see it with my own eyes. The thing is you don't believe what you can't understand.
    Do you believe wind can kill you? do you beleive wind can push over a house? Do you see wind as you would see the water in the ocean? what holds the planes and birds in the sky? So if one understands and learns the true secret of nature. one would see the wind as we would see the ground we walk on. thus we could walk on it.

    There are so many mysteries, in ancient ideas and training. even though we are so advanced we lost our root with nature. So I see it as the more we gain the more we lose, unless we preserve.


    Lu Zhi Shen
    We live in a world that uses real lemons for floor wax & lemon flavoring for lemonade. And yet we drink.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Even if that stuff did work, have you ever seen anyone use it in combat? What good is protection if you have to charge up your qi and be standing in a certain position for it to work?
    "If you like metal you're my friend" -- Manowar

    "I am the cosmic storms, I am the tiny worms" -- Dimmu Borgir

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Western MASS
    what about the monks who use sharp swords to cut across thier chest? theres a line but no cut. is that alrge golden bell?
    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho Mantis View Post
    Genes too busy rocking the gang and scarfing down bags of cheetos while beating it to nacho ninjettes and laughing at the ridiculous posts on the kfforum. In a horse stance of course.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Worthington, OH, USA
    Who does that? I've seen quite a few variations of the bed of nails trick, but never anyone being hit with a sharp sword.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Houston, Texas

    Qi Gong

    Well, I don't have extensive knowledge in Large Golden Bell per say. I have not heard of it until now. I do want to comment on general "Qi Gong". I too was a skeptic in Qi gong until I saw it for my own eyes too. It all comes down to two factors. Physical conditioning and Mental conditioning. Noone is born with these skills. It takes months (more like years) of conditioning/training your body and mind to master it. Both must live together not just one or the other. I think a lot of you are referring to the "72 consummate arts/skills of Shaolin". This included iron shirt, iron arms, iron head, etc. etc. I have never met a master that knew all of them. There will always be some that believe in it and some that don't. I am pretty sure if someone skilled in iron head head butts you, it's going to seriously injur you. So yes these skills can be used in actual fighting situations. The bottom line is it depends on you. If you have an open mind search yourself. If you have a closed mind then dismiss it and move on.

  12. Originally posted by Buddy
    "Bruce Lee never backed down from a challenge."

    Why are you discussing dead actors? What did Tim tell you about gold bell cover, enfo?
    Wan't it: "Large Golden Bell" isn't a lost art. There isn't now nor has there ever been any method of making the body impenetrable to edged weapons. These kinds of fantastic stories were made popular in the "martial hero" novels of a century ago."
    because you brought him up and said he's only an actor. he had some documented fights (wong jack man comes to mind who was one of Northern Shaolin's succesors and current grabdmasters) and was the first person to promote and bring together mma methology of training. Basically what the mma events in the 90s did to many tmartists bruce lee and his students were doing in the 60s and 70s.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    "Who is to say what can happen and what can't happen. "

    Well I'll risk it. You can't develop, through qigong, the ability to withstand a legitimate slice or stab by a sharp edged weapon.

    "Another way to look at it is, Do you believe in the bible? or Buddhism, etc. if so saving oneself from a knife wound is cake."

    Logic eludes you. The bible is a book and buddhism is a universaly recognized system of thought. Both easily verifiable as existing. Saving ones self with cake is not.

    "Beleive it or not. I have seen masters take hits as I said in one of my posts. I have no reason to lie, nor is it in my nature to want to promote fantasy."

    I understand you believe what you see. I also understand that this alleged skill is useless in real combat. Seems to me training to hit the other guy better would serve you to a greater degree.

    "But I undrestand you. I was the same way until I did see it with my own eyes. The thing is you don't believe what you can't understand."

    Don't condecend to me, boy. You don't know me or know what I know. What I've seen would turn your nuts into raisins.

    "Do you believe wind can kill you? do you beleive wind can push over a house? Do you see wind as you would see the water in the ocean? what holds the planes and birds in the sky?"

    You're not serious, right?

    "So if one understands and learns the true secret of nature. one would see the wind as we would see the ground we walk on. thus we could walk on it."

    Thus? Are you smoking a clove cigarette and wearing patchouly as you type?

    "There are so many mysteries, in ancient ideas and training. even though we are so advanced we lost our root with nature. So I see it as the more we gain the more we lose, unless we preserve."

    Clearly you're not an economist.

  14. Originally posted by IronFist
    Even if that stuff did work, have you ever seen anyone use it in combat? What good is protection if you have to charge up your qi and be standing in a certain position for it to work?
    bragging rights?

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New Jersey United States
    a clear demonstration of your lack of understanding of the entire concept. To be frank, I'm not convinced on the LGB myself, but am certainly considering all information on it and without more information and clips and some practice / training the skill, as opposed to dribbling about it, would never like to commit to saying it was BS.

    In small gloden bell, the breathing techs you use, after time, become a natural habit, and particularly when in public or in a combat situation. Just like as an external practicing maer walks down the street his body and awarenesses adapt to his own training.

    Once you aware of qi, and more so for vigilant qigong practioners, this too, is beyond a habit and more a daily awareness we carry throughtout our day. THere is no "power up" because really, because of the nature of the training, you 're "powered up" anyway, like a trained muscle doesn't need to "powered up " , it's just going to work because it was trained to.

    Because of my internal trainings, when I hear gongfu, I also hear qigong . To use this skill practically is superimposition of it with the rest of your arsenal and part of using the majority of it.. I 'm probably not literating that so well but I can guarantee you Buddy, if you were here and I'd gladly take you up


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