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Thread: Pin Sun/TWC Meeting!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA

    Pin Sun/TWC Meeting!

    Hello all,

    I thought I would do a brief write up after a nice visit and exchange with a friend of mine.

    This weekend I had the good pleasure of seeing a friend from the TWC lineage named Sifu Delroi Flood. Sifu Delroi and I met about 10 years ago and some years back bumped into each other again and talk WC from time to time since then. While visiting his relatives in Boston we met up for a while and exchanged and trained with each other for a few hours. Both of us went thru different aspects of our art and compared different fighting principles etc..

    While some things did share some similarities the two arts were basically total opposite in terms of fighting theory. TWC likes to fight at the point and move around it and Pin Sun likes to slice into the center and move thru it. So, it was very cool to compare different applications and counters for similar pressures and angles etc. etc..

    Sifu Delroi is a tall guy with nice long arms. So, for a 6' + fellow his TWC was highly effective and fit perfectly for his body! It was like the art was made for him and he executed his art with great precision! I am only 5' 5" tall and the compact Pin Sun way fits me as I cannot fight at that range and need to get in close to function. Sifu Delroi and I mixed it up a bit from contact and non-contact and it was a great experience.

    Sifu Delroi is a very nice guy with an extreme love for WC. He resides in Bermuda and has been a devoted pupil and promoter of TWC for around 17 years now. He lives and teaches in Bermuda and I would say anyone who has the chance to meet and exchange with Sifu Deloi will defintely have a great time and learn lots!

    Hope you enjoyed this report from what I regard as a nice experience!


  2. #2
    Hey Jim,

    Nice report! I'm about 5'6" among giant lumber jacks at Gary's. We two perfect fit beenies should get together in a boiling pot! =D

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Hey Paul!

    Nice report!

    Thanks! It was a good time. The ego was left at the door and both of us shared with each other.

    I'm about 5'6" among giant lumber jacks at Gary's.

    You are one of the little guys to huh! hehe Sheeesh! Why dont these big guys go do big man martial art and leave the South Fist for us short folk! hehehe Joking of course!

    We two perfect fit beenies should get together in a boiling pot! =D

    I am sure our WC should function in a similar way. It has to since we are small! Small people cannot fight the same way those with long reach can.

    Its all good tho and everything goes into the learning experience section of our brain! Hopefully in the future we can meet to!

    See ya,

  4. #4
    Good show, Jim.

    Delroi is a great guy with very solid wing chun skills.

    Glad to hear you had fun while comparing notes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Hello Victor!

    Delroi is a great guy with very solid wing chun skills.

    Indeed! Its always nice to exchange with good people!

    Glad to hear you had fun while comparing notes.

    It was a great time. I am glad he has family up here! Gives me a chance to work out with him when he visits!!

    Take care!

    Gotta run!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Brooklyn, NY
    yeah, nice report I like it too.

    To meet people, to trade with them and training is the best way to compare systems then discussion on mesage board as always.

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