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  1. #61

    Re: ;)

    Originally posted by shirkers1
    Boxing has NO groundfighting. Mantis DOES have ground fighting.

    it does HAVE it, but from what's being posted it's not actually TRAINED anywhere near as much. that's his only point. when in a ral life altercation, if you end up on the ground, you may be no better off than a boxer, as you may not be able to use what you do know, as you don't train it much.

    Bottom line yes we are a strike driven style. We like to put people on the ground painfully. We don't really want to go there when we don't have to why wrestle if I have a hold of you then you have a hold of me.

    I don't either, necessarily. I'd rather throw you on your head. But the point is you may not be able to avoid it.

    I'll throw out the first olive branch since you guys refuse to.

    I've always had one out - I'm very open to other styles. If I wasn't I would've left when I stopped training TMA.

    Yes on the ground a typical MMAist will have the upper hand on a typical northern mantis practitioner who has no background in ground fighting. But I will have to say that the typical mantis practitioner will have the upper hand on a MMAist standing.

    not necessarily - that would depend on the MMAist. Take me, for example. All of my experience is standup. I've only been grappling for a few years. When you get to pro level, guys like cro cop, lidell and silva are all primarily strikers.

    So where does that leave us? With the same **** argument. Leaving it up to the individuals involved, situations, and how the fight would play out.

    Nah, I don't believe it's up to the individual. I believe it's up to their training methods.

    Since all fights usually start from the standing position and from my own experience I would give the edge to the northern mantis student. You having the idea that all fights go to the ground feel you have the advantage.

    bad assumption. I don't think all fights go to the ground. My only point there is that you may not be able to avoid going there.

    But the individuals involved will determine the winner of the fight. Those two individuals most certainly don't represent the rest of their given styles. Because there is always someone out there better.

    In a limited sense, they do. thai boxing gyms on avg train pretty much the same way, from what I can tell. Same with many other sport styles. The same may or may not hold true for TMA, but from what I'm seeing on kfm and other forums, it does.

    As for the getting together to work out? Seven, where are you located?


    If you are implying that my offer is empty, then I am sorry you feel that way. I have even offered to put knifefighter up in my house or anyone else for that matter so they don't have to pay for housing. I am honestly open to having anyone come out and train with me. I feel I have something to offer and if that person is willing to come out should have something to offer in return. It's a win win situation. So why try to make it sound like I'm just saying it and don't mean it?

    I'm not saying it's empty. I'm saying most people aren't gonna travel any extreme distance for that. I've met several people on this board that are in chicago (and one from cali, but he was in chi at the time), but I am in the area several times a year, so that was no problem. Other than that, I wouldn't just travel to see most people on this forum. I fully believe that you have good intentions and would love to work out with anyone, but how many people would likely take the offer?

    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  2. #62
    In my experience and the years Ive been doing this I have found that most fights are fought with untrained people.
    Im a big guy, 6'2 and 232 and bounced and done security for many years and have seen, been in , and broken up hundreds of fights and I would say 99% were alcohol induced and by untrained fighters.
    When you see a trained fighter stand you can tell just in the way they carry themselves.
    Most trained fighters with expericnece do not fight at the drop of a hat. They take more pride in thier skill.

    I always warn people before I fight them and I have never struck first. I always tell them to walk away and wait till they try to strike before I attack.

    If and when 2 fighters that are skilled are going to fight they usually can tell and it dissolves. Not always but usually. Therefore its really hard to test stand up to ground with 2 skilled fighters unless its in a controlled enviornement.

    I tell my students the same thing about knives.
    If someone is not skilled in knifefighting they will flash and wave the blade in an attmept to scare and intimidate you.This is your chance to run or back down, fo they dont really want to stab you.
    if they are skilled you will never see the blade, only after you have been stabbed will you know they have one.
    Teaching traditional Ba Bu Tang Lang (Eight Step Praying Mantis)
    Jin Gon Tzu Li Gung (Medical) Qigong
    Wu style Taiji Chuan

    Teacher always told his students, "You need to have Wude, patient, tolerance, humble, ..." When he died, his last words to his students was, "Remember that the true meaning of TCMA is fierce, poison, and kill."

  3. #63
    Join Date
    May 2004
    phoenix, az


    I give up. With you guys something that is clearly the color green is black to you and I'm sick of trying to point out the obvious. It's been fun guys.

    E dragon great points, I see what you're saying and I agree 100% That is why I don't go to bars any more or if I do I leave before the beer muscles come out..... These drunk idiots (usually in packs of 5) see a skinny white boy and think that they can run their mouths or try to intimidate the smaller guy. 9 times out of 10 they are the one's that get peeled because they wouldn't let it go or were "over confident".


  4. #64
    Because I enjoy it. I have a good time, not always during class, but almost always after class, when I've got a good workout buzz going.

    And I stick to it. I've lifted weights and run on and off over the years, but I can't say I really enjoy doing either.

    I will never be a serious MMA in the ring, I've got kids and a life that prevents studying martial arts for anything other then a personal enrichment. I can hold my own in a fight if it came to it, but I try my ****dest to take myself out of these situations at this stage in my life.

  5. #65
    Originally posted by EarthDragon
    [B]In my experience and the years Ive been doing this I have found that most fights are fought with untrained people.
    Im a big guy, 6'2 and 232 and bounced and done security for many years and have seen, been in , and broken up hundreds of fights and I would say 99% were alcohol induced and by untrained fighters.{/b]

    I completely agree with that. I'm not gonna just assume that everyone I run into will be untrained because of that though.

    Most trained fighters with expericnece do not fight at the drop of a hat. They take more pride in thier skill.

    that one I don't agree with as much...a lot of the wrestlers I knew fought at any given opportunity.

    I tell my students the same thing about knives.
    If someone is not skilled in knifefighting they will flash and wave the blade in an attmept to scare and intimidate you.This is your chance to run or back down, fo they dont really want to stab you.
    if they are skilled you will never see the blade, only after you have been stabbed will you know they have one.

    I agree with that to an extent. If you do see the blade and they have a heaven grip on it flashing it, yeah he's inexperienced. If you see the blade and he's got an earth grip, I'd be extremely weary.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  6. #66
    Originally posted by EarthDragon
    We demonstrated 8 step praying mantis in the UFC 6 & 7 with joel sutton whom I trained and he won both bouts!
    Do you think he never went to the ground? or that his ground work was ineffective? He won both matches from the ground. So please dont make asinine assumptions, speak from knowledge and expericence not out your a$$
    Interesting you should bring up Sutton's fight, since I just watched the old UFC 7 and saw his fight.

    1- Yes, his groundwork showed that he didn't really know what he was doing there.

    2- He won on ref stoppage because his opponent was bleeding heavily from a headbutt that occurred while they were standing.

    3- When the fight ended, Sutton was mounted by his opponent.

  7. #67

    Since we are talking about UFC 7...

    Here's a request for you. Get a copy of UFC 7. Watch Joel Sutton's fight. He was trained by a "recognized expert" of PM, so it would be safe to assume that that is how a mantis practioner fights, right? Watch the fight and see what your impression is of a mantis fighter trying to use his stuff for real against a resisting opponent.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    May 2004
    phoenix, az


    I stopped watching those after the 3rd one when I decided that the rules of UFC were geared around the fighting style of the creator. So I could give two ****s about sport fighting. First off I take Northern praying mantis, he was an 8 step praying mantis fighter. Right away completely different styles. I'm not going to judge what I do against what he does. But from what you explain the fight was stopped because of an injury aquired while standing? Hmmm.

    I judge from my own "fighting" experience in the street. As well as my personal experience with sparring with grapplers. That's all I can speak for, I'm not going to say ground fighting doesn't have it's uses. Just like you shouldn't say that striking in mantis doesn't have it's uses or make assumptions that mantis isn't combative. For one you don't have anything to guage what me and my style have to offer. You can only assume. Have you personally faught a northern mantis practitioner? In the ring or out of the ring? If you lost would your mind be changed or would you say it fell down to circumstances of the fight?

    I'm not going to try to convince you of anything, so you should probably stop trying as well. Because my mind isn't going to change, and I doubt yours is either. Keep up your training and be happy with that.

  9. #69

    Re: .

    Originally posted by shirkers1
    I stopped watching those after the 3rd one when I decided that the rules of UFC were geared around the fighting style of the creator. So I could give two ****s about sport fighting. First off I take Northern praying mantis, he was an 8 step praying mantis fighter. Right away completely different styles. I'm not going to judge what I do against what he does. But from what you explain the fight was stopped because of an injury aquired while standing? Hmmm.

    the injury was an accidental headbutt - the two fighters collided and he got cut.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  10. #70
    Join Date
    May 2004
    phoenix, az


    7* and your point is? Come on you're not saying that because it was accidental it doesn't count as a win are you?

    Oh I thought everything in a fight was intentional and nothing accidental ever happens. <---- sarcasm That is why a majority of street fights end up on the ground. Accidental slippage, the guy didn't know how to defend, etc. Not because he was a master grappler and wanted the fight to go to the ground.

    That's why I say circumstances in a fight. The better fighter doesn't always win. He didn't bring his A game, caught with suprise shot, etc.

    That's no excuse bro, he suffered a fight ending blow. Whether he did it to himself or whatever the situation was, he still lost.

    **** it!!! see I got sucked in again. This is all off topic.

  11. #71

    Re: .

    Originally posted by shirkers1
    7* and your point is? Come on you're not saying that because it was accidental it doesn't count as a win are you?

    not at all. What I'm saying is that he didn't win off of his skill. so talking about his ufc win isn't really saying much. He would've lost had it not been for the cut, which he did not intentionally produce. Since it did happen though, he got the win. kudos to him.

    Oh I thought everything in a fight was intentional and nothing accidental ever happens. <---- sarcasm That is why a majority of street fights end up on the ground. Accidental slippage, the guy didn't know how to defend, etc. Not because he was a master grappler and wanted the fight to go to the ground.

    true. but we're not arguing the superiority of the avg joe in the ufc. ED is talking about the skill of sutton. But, it wasn't sutton's skill that won him the match.

    That's no excuse bro, he suffered a fight ending blow. Whether he did it to himself or whatever the situation was, he still lost.

    he sure did. crap happens. but that's not what ED is saying.

    **** it!!! see I got sucked in again. This is all off topic.'s discussion. That happens.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  12. #72
    sevenstar, you said to my comment

    that one I don't agree with as much...a lot of the wrestlers I knew fought at any given opportunity.

    Granted there are those who need to show off, test thier skill or see how they measure up to another. But when you have done that and you have matured and are confident in your skill then theres no reason, for confidence will make you react differently. and you wont have to fight for any "given opportunity".

    I broke some guys elbow outside a night club while I was trying to throw him out. I felt extremly bad for it for years as I later found out he was trying to defend his girlfriend from her crazed women beater ex- boyfriend. But all I saw was this guy swinging. But when you realize that you can really hurt someone it makes you think twice about it.

    If 2 unskilled fighter's fight its almost funny to watch the haymakers and missed opportunites but we are martial artists, taught and trained to break mame, dislocate our opponents joints.
    Is that not what you think about before you engage in fighting?
    or are you thinking how you can cripple someone?

    the fact still reamins he won! in sports.. if they run out of time and one team is ahead they still win! the other team may have played better but that doesnt matter does it?

    actually the other guy was twice as big as him also, the other guy was like 6'6 2630 or something crazy like that cant remeber uz its been a long time. Did you watch 6? joel fought and won in that one too. better fight in my opionon. but watch it and tell me what you think
    Last edited by EarthDragon; 11-03-2004 at 02:20 PM.
    Teaching traditional Ba Bu Tang Lang (Eight Step Praying Mantis)
    Jin Gon Tzu Li Gung (Medical) Qigong
    Wu style Taiji Chuan

    Teacher always told his students, "You need to have Wude, patient, tolerance, humble, ..." When he died, his last words to his students was, "Remember that the true meaning of TCMA is fierce, poison, and kill."

  13. #73
    I'll see if I can dig up UFC 6.

    In the meantime, let's see if we can turn this into a somewhat productive discourse. You have said yourself that Sutton didn't perform well in the UFC 7 fight because of nerves, the crowd, etc. How about giving a critique comparing and contrasting what he did, both standing and on the ground, with what he should have done as a mantis practitioner.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fort Worth, Texas, USA


    I tried to let the discussion go on....
    & on...
    & on....
    But there has to be an end & this is it.
    How many identities does a Troll need?
    Didn't think I knew did you??
    I know a lot of things.
    You won't like me in person either.
    Confused?? Don't be.

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