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Thread: mi tsung

  1. #1

    mi tsung

    The "lost track" style is the martial art of the drunken monkey.It is deceptive,fights very low to the ground and will throw the opponent by the neck.The basic forms are:
    -small advancing fist
    -big advancing fist
    -18 hooks
    -leopard fist
    -5 small tiger
    -5 big tiger
    -crossing bridge
    Mi-tsung training also includes mi-tsung so which is the drunken monkey walk and the 16 principles.The ma-bo in mi-tsung is very twisting true to the style.Requires great agility.Very similar to "dog boxing".

  2. #2
    I've seen both styles up close and don't recall very many similarities beyond they being a chinese martial art.

    Mi Zong is a northern style with all the major Northern Flavor while Dog Boxing is a Southern Fukien Style emphasizing medium and short skills of southern styles while specializing in ground fighting.

  3. #3
    Exactly.What most people know as mi zong is not of Huo Yuan-Chia lineage and looks like northern shaolin.Mi tsung-i is the fighting art of Huo Yuan-Chia(Chun-ch'ing) and can be traced to Mow Jung.Agreed,southern dog boxing is a different martial art.

  4. #4
    Your correct in that there are a few branches of Mizong. HuoYun Jia's branch is not very popular in China, especially since he was the only student who really taught in public.

    Please Tell me some history on Sifu Mow Jung and your connection.

    I know of the MizongLohan creation but as far as I was told the sets were kept separate and not combined.

    Your Mizong is probably like our Fan Tzi in that it was added to other systems.

  5. #5

    Phoenixdog, I remember only two people writing about the Mi Tsung system in English that mentioned a monkey/ape(gorilla) connection. They are Adam Hsu and David Kash (yes, I did buy his book).

    What are you priming us up for? I am interested in not just reading more but in seeing what you are talking about.


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