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Thread: IronFist vs. Wing Chun forum

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Originally posted by Vankuen
    This is true, "bashing" is unnecessary in any form. I think, although I did use the term bashing, in retrospect I think I should have used simply positive vs negative information. Not necessarily bashing. So I see your point as well. The phrases like "what an idiot" and such we could do without....but as I read somewhere else on this forum "if we banned all the idiots there would be no one left on the forum!" (Don't know where that originated from though.)

    I on occasion, do have my smart remarks and heated debates, but mostly over personal opinion and not slander of a person. Unless of course I have personal interaction with the person in question. (See anything on Shaolin Do - but please, no new posts)

    Is your article going to be in THIS mag? Or another MA mag?
    Your response is much appreciated.
    Yes in Kung Fu mag on stands in Feb.

  2. #32

    Back to the subject at hand

    Originally posted by IronFist
    I've studied other arts at different schools before, so I have learned from a 'real-life' teacher and practiced with a bunch of different people there. Like I said, I'm not a complete newbie to MA.
    Maybe not a newbie to MA, but you said you are a newbie to WC, right?

    There is a good deal of WC that can concievably be developed with the aid of books, video and other media. Check out Yip Pui's website.
    He has a correspondance program that might interest you.

    But, the heart of WC, chi sau, is very difficult to cultivate without touching hands with someone experienced.
    Sapere aude, Justin.

    The map is not the Terrain.

    "Wheather you believe you can, or you believe you can't...You're right." - Henry Ford

  3. #33

    Re: Re: Digging up old posts.

    Originally posted by KungFuGrrrl
    Perhaps the moderator should remove old posts,
    Actually, I am the moderator. Note how it says "moderator" under my name. The post in question, at its very worst, implies rolling_hand doesnt' think highly of your sifu. While we do ask people to be polite here, people are not required to speak highly of someone else that they don't think highly of. But that is neither here nor there, I was merely pointing out that you were trying to have an inflammed conversation with someone who hasn't been on here in a while.
    Sandman[Wing Chun]

    "Learning is not compulsory ... neither is survival."

    -W. Edwards Derning

    A thought on Civil Discourse:

    “Democracy is a means of living together despite our differences. Democratic deliberation is an alternative to physical violence. It is predicated on the assumption that it’s possible to disagree agreeably, that it’s better to laugh than cry, that one can vigorously contest the positions of one’s adversary without questioning his or her personal integrity or motivation, and that parties to a debate are entitled to the presumption that their views are legitimate if not correct.” -Thomas Mann

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