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Thread: So I have a mma class tonight

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I wonder if there's a rivalry. Chinese vs Hebrew
    nah, Chinese peeps love the Jews. They relate in many ways. lol
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    so are you excited FOX News is coming to your country?
    I do not ever see Sifu do anything that could be construed as a hula dancer- hasayfu

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Denver, CO
    Originally posted by jun_erh
    I visited the las vegas shoalin school and there was a krav maga school a few doors down from it. I wonder if there's a rivalry. Chinese vs Hebrew

    A lot of Jews actually moved to Shanghai around WWII
    practice wu de

    Actually I bored everyone to death. Even Buddhist and Taoist monks fell asleep.....SPJ

    Forums are no fun if I can't mess with your head. Or your colon...
    uh-oh, I hope no one quotes me on that....Gene Ching

    I'm not Normal.... RD on his crying my b!tch left me thread

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin TX
    No style is like "yeah, we're pretty slow and waste a lot of motion...
    As a taiji guy, I respectfully disagree!
    All my fight strategy is based on deliberately injuring my opponents. -
    Crippled Avenger

    "It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever get near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propoganda visits...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecendented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

    First you get good, then you get fast, then you get good and fast.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Herndon, VA
    Chinese vs Hebrew
    I kid you not, I had a buddy who worked as a busboy in a Chinese-Kosher restaraunt called "Ginsberg-Wong" !! I always asked him if the sweet pork was kosher

    Here is the thing with Krav Maga. A good KM school actually does spar using muay thai, boxing, some grappling, bjj, knife & gun defenses (always suspect imho) and are a good to fair self defense school for the general public.

    BUT KM has *****d itself out with the "certification" thing, so you get Marty TKD suddenly becomes a "certified Krav Maga instructor" and you end up learning 10% KM, and 90% TKD because that's what he really knows..

    Go visit the class and check it out.

    you want mma - go find mma. even if they are good, krav maga is not mma. different animal.
    Fairfax Jiu-Jitsu

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Capoeira & Mixed Martial Arts

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    Krav Maga, atleast from what I've seen, is really similar to Kali in a lot of ways. It's claim to fame is that the Israeli military uses it, and since they "See combat" all the time, it's tried and tested. Of course I know a lot of soldiers that don't know more then what they were taught in basic training for nad to hand combat and they seem to be surviving just fine without krav maga.
    It's other claim to fame, and what's made it popular was that movie with Jennifer Lopez in it. There was a hug boom after that.

    My personal feeling is this: Just like almost all the other arts out there, it depends on how much time your willing to put into learning it. It depends on how good your instructors are at teaching it and how deep their own knowledge is on the subject. It depends on if the school is layed out to teach you or to take your money. Too many things ot say about it other then to check it out, spend a month going to classes as often as possible, and then see how you feel about it.

    From what I understand it is the style taught to the Israeli special forces and it is supposed to be very brutal. No mucking around, just drop your opponent in the hardest, fastest way possible.

    right, what art doesn't claim that?
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    A good KM school actually does spar using muay thai, boxing, some grappling, bjj, knife & gun defenses
    uh, when do they teach Krav Maga?

    my own opinion is tainted. A short time after the craze hit, a local school, owned by a guy who claims to have mastered every art that they teach there (he can throw some punches and kicks but apparently his idea of certification and mastery is taking some basic classes so he can pull of signature moves to impress new comers. They picked up Krav Maga. If it's that easy to pick up and be certified to teach, I have to suspect it's validity as a real fighting art.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    See, this is why I don't post serious answers here very often. You try and help someone out by giving them a bit of information and suddenly everyone jumps on your ass over what you have said or the way you word it.

    Fine, every art tries to drop your opponent in a fast, brutal, efficient way. Except mine of course because we like to screw around when there is a fight on.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    so are you excited FOX News is coming to your country?
    yep, about as excited as i was with NBC, ABC, CBS, HBO, CNN, Fox, TBS, etc etc et fuggin cetera. lol

    I'm certain it will have it's appeal. But, it's cable only, so most canadians won't be watching, same as they don't watch a lot of american cable shows.

    We do have a thing about centricity to our own productions and frankly many of our own shows are much bigger hits than a great deal of murcan stuff.

    man you guys get a lot of crappy crappy shows...for instance Hope and Faith, wtf is that about? terrible terrible stuff.

    however, I gotta hand it to other shows.

    But as for american news, well, in all honestly, many if not most of us will continue to view our locals for news, and the big 2. CBC and CTV.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    wtf is hope and faith? Sounds like a good lesbian porno to me
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    kung lek- fox will put your news out of business if the socialist college professors don't get it banned, which they will like they did Stern.

    One sort of good thing to come out of terrorism for the jews, their security people and concepts are highly sought out and people give krav maga alot of respect.
    I do not ever see Sifu do anything that could be construed as a hula dancer- hasayfu

  12. #42
    Originally posted by red5angel
    yeah, real hard grapplers would grapple on mats like real men and with real men.
    Pretty much impossible to learn decent grappling without mats.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alright I just got back.

    It was another style so I tried to do things their way, but my old habbits (like crazy monkey boxing) kept coming back. They said hold your "hands out further, this isn't boxing." So, I tried, but it felt really awkward cuz it's not what I'm used to.

    We did a warmup drill where you pair up and go to slap each other in the shoulder and the other guy blocks it. I was told the correct way to block is to kind of reach out for it, which I am totally not used to. Anyway, whatever, stylistic differences.

    That was the only alive thing that we did. We did some punching drills (lined up in rows, in the air), and then some knee drills against a pad. An interesting thing was the fact that both jab and cross were done with a vertical fist. There was no aliveness, no resistance.

    The fact that he said you can't spar until you've been going there for 4 months, plus the lack of aliveness, plus the lack of grappling means I won't be going back. He said they only do a little grappling.

    Anyway, whoever told me it was Boxing/BJJ/MMA on the phone was quite wrong.

    So, I'm not saying it's a bad school, it's just not my thing. The instructors I talked to were all kinda nice. I talked to them for a bit before I left. When I told them I went to a submission school for a little bit, I was told "well, that stuff is more sport oriented and we're more concerned with ending the fight right away." That statement opens up a huge can of worms so I'm not going into it here, but I replied with "oh, I see." Then I thanked them for letting me participate in their class before I left
    Last edited by IronFist; 11-22-2004 at 08:01 PM.
    "If you like metal you're my friend" -- Manowar

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    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    The Park.
    Originally posted by IronFist
    Sure, but the problem is that I don't live in Connecticut.
    Sorry, I thought you lived in New Haven, which in no way explains the Norfair location I have now just noticed.

  15. #45
    Originally posted by IronFist
    Alright I just got back.

    It was another style so I tried to do things their way, but my old habbits (like crazy monkey boxing) kept coming back. They said hold your "hands out further, this isn't boxing." So, I tried, but it felt really awkward cuz it's not what I'm used to.

    out further like what? the thai boxers in movies?

    We did a warmup drill where you pair up and go to slap each other in the shoulder and the other guy blocks it. I was told the correct way to block is to kind of reach out for it, which I am totally not used to. Anyway, whatever, stylistic differences.

    that would raise a red flag with me. did you ask them why they reach? It would also raise a flag that they slapped at the shoulder... Why would I block a blow coming to my shoulder? IMO, you should actually aim for the head.

    The fact that he said you can't spar until you've been going there for 4 months, plus the lack of aliveness, plus the lack of grappling means I won't be going back. He said they only do a little grappling.

    the school near me is like that. you have to be a level 3. Some of the guys from my club and I went there one day to do some sparring, because they told us they'd be there. When we got there, nobody showed...we waited for like 30 mins. Afterward when someone called them, they said that we had to be level 3s in order to spar anyway.

    Anyway, whoever told me it was Boxing/BJJ/MMA on the phone was quite wrong.

    sorry about the bad experience... what about the list of schools lube posted?
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

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