Please try to keep the discourse on here civil, and centered on the topic of Wing Chun Kuen. Personal insults and attacks really have no place on this forum. I've been out of town for the last week due to the holidays, and was not able to keep tabs on the forum during that week. Although the "Wing Chun: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" thread started off with no issues, it didn't take it too long to degenerate into a festival of personal attacks. In light of this, and considering that the focus of that thread has moved over to Victor's "10 point proposal", I'm closing that original post.

So for anyone that chose to engage in such behaviour, please refrain from personal attacks on other forum members. It is grounds for banning. There really is no reason that you shouldn't be able to have a relatively polite conversation with other forum members. If you have to resort to personal insults, mudslinging, etc... you've really just indicated to everyone else that you are not capable of defending your statements. There is nothing wrong with having controversial opinions, or disagreeing with everyone else. But this is a DISCUSSION FORUM, by it's very nature it exists as a place for people to have conversations. You should EXPECT people to challenge your viewpoints on here. If you don't like the idea that someone might want you to justify your statements, or that they might not accept your justification when you give it, then perhaps you might want to choose another venue to express yourself.

And because sometimes people forget that this is just the internet, and not "real life", a brief Public Service Announcement