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Thread: Calculus for wing chun "Steiner Point Theory".

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Detroit, Southfield, Michigan
    It will take away useless movements and keep you from being wild with your wing chun, that’s all that I been staying on this thread all alone, just read the thread. That’s all you need too do, read and think just a little. You are trying to repeat the thread all over again, the info you seek is on this thread already, take care.


    Vankuen said:

    do you think that studying math, or the triangle, the points therein, or the circle around it is going to make your wing chun better?

    You don’t have too study math, I just show how math works with the geometry of the wing chun structure. I will give you the answers visually and mathematically on DVD. When dealing with energies, distances and vectors ect, using numbers or math has always been the way for engineers too find their answers, I just use it with wing chun, because wing chun is full of triangles, that has all types of motions that comes with the territories
    of the wing chun fighting structures. Good post you made there.

    Ali Hmad Rahim.
    Last edited by Ali Hamad Rahim; 11-30-2004 at 04:09 PM.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Detroit, Southfield, Michigan
    seems like just something else for you to debate and prove to everyone else that your wing chun and you, are better then everyone else. But then, we're on a forum and that's just the way it offense intended.

    Wow! I'm sorry I made you feel that way. that’s not the case at all. If I did feel that way, why share my opinions or info on this forum, no one is better than no one else. I’ll do better in trying not too make you feel that way again, forgive me. IT’S JUST SOMETHING THAT I CAME UP WITH, AND LET’S JUST KEEP IT ON THAT, NOTHING MORE THEN THAT. WOW....WOW....WOW!!!

    Ali Hmad Rahim.
    Last edited by Ali Hamad Rahim; 11-30-2004 at 04:24 PM.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Detroit, Southfield, Michigan
    Vankuen said:

    Prove to everyone else that your wing chun and you, are better then everyone else.

    Is it maybe because I don’t fit the stereotype, profile or views of what many people think, that would make you say such a statement? Thank you, now I know what I’m dealing with, when it comes to you.

    Ali Hamad Rahim.
    Last edited by Ali Hamad Rahim; 11-30-2004 at 06:22 PM.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Detroit, Southfield, Michigan
    Could you point out how; on this thread, how I made you feel like I was better then you, or maybe you were just being nasty, just taking another shot at me. for something you can't understand. and refuses too understand, but it's too simple not to understand.
    it's not hard at all, then again I don't know you, so it may be kind of hard for you too understand it, sorry if I'm wrong.


    Ali Hamad Rahim.
    Last edited by Ali Hamad Rahim; 11-30-2004 at 08:03 PM.

  5. #125
    I'm trying to say that your intentions ARE what they seem to be, only calling it like I see it. It's not a shot a you personally, because I don't know you personally. I only know what I see of you on here, a public forum. So all the dirty laundry that goes thrown around here is seen by more then a few people.

    It just seems, as of late with some of you interactions with others that your demeanor seems to be that of "bullying" and intimidation. I can do searches to quote but I should think that wouldn't be necessary. Quite often it's between you and Phil but I don't think I need to go into that.

    I understand quite well many of the things you speak of, when I wrote what I wrote, I had just gotten done skimming through some of the thread. I started to think, "wow...would the study of math really improve wing chun?" Then I started thinking realistically and But then, you're just sharing something you noticed about wing chun and it's geometric ironies. Nothing wrong with that. It's kinda like seeing the face of the devil in the clouds of smoke coming off a fire. It may seem that it's there for a reason, but it's probably just a ironic coincidence. Every movement of fighting can be related to just about any geometric shape or angle. There's just no way around it. But that's just my opinion....

    Just forget I posted it. I think I just got outta the wrong side of the bed this morning....
    "I don't know if anyone is known with the art of "sitting on your couch" here, but in my eyes it is also to be a martial art.

    It is the art of avoiding dangerous situations. It helps you to avoid a dangerous situation by not actually being there. So lets say there is a dangerous situation going on somewhere other than your couch. You are safely seated on your couch so you have in a nutshell "difused" the situation."

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Detroit, Southfield, Michigan
    That face you see in the clouds, is my black a$$ coming after anyone who violates my family and home, he just didn't know!!!!

    Ali Hamad Rahim.
    Last edited by Ali Hamad Rahim; 11-30-2004 at 10:59 PM.

  7. #127
    Well, funny how it's never been metioned and yet we all know about it. And it's hard to hide one's personality flaws on a public forum...PUBLIC forum.

    But like I said, forget it was every posted.
    "I don't know if anyone is known with the art of "sitting on your couch" here, but in my eyes it is also to be a martial art.

    It is the art of avoiding dangerous situations. It helps you to avoid a dangerous situation by not actually being there. So lets say there is a dangerous situation going on somewhere other than your couch. You are safely seated on your couch so you have in a nutshell "difused" the situation."

  8. #128
    I don't post often on the wing chun board because of threads like this one, but man, you've got some aggression showing Ali! Funny stuff.

    Anyway, my first point of call on mathematical topics is usually Mathworld, as has already been linked. Based on your opening post on this thread, it appears what you really mean is the first Fermat point as opposed to the first Steiner point. The first Fermat point fits your definition perfectly. There are a bunch of references at the bottom of the Fermat points link that will corroborate the theory.
    "If trolling is an art then I am your yoda.if spelling counts, go elsewhere.........." - BL

    "I don't do much cardio." - Ironfist

    "Grip training is everything. I say this with CoC in hand." - abobo

  9. #129
    Just to air the dirty laundry that you yourself put out....since you don't know what I'm talking about in terms of making yourself and your wing chun look tough on here:

    ...I tested it in a real sparring match with an UFC champ here in Detroit His name is Tyrone his nickname is “Ty”. He hit me one good time, which woke me up fast, then he tried too shoot for my legs, by understanding the Steiner Point theory dealing with triangles, offense and defensives structures, it was easy for me too adjust that theory in distances,...
    ...may wife and his wife were there, his wife looked liked she was about to cry so I slacked up a little. Man this guy was buffed jumping rope with a motorcycle chain, making people scream when put in ankle locks. I looked like a little kid to this guy, but he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag with a sludge hammer. He tried too over power me, and I just went soft every time, its like he just ran into my hands every time.

    ...They are men, just like I am a man, what in h*ll should I be afraid of, I fear no one but God. That guy, he’s a fighter just like I am, I was just the more talented one that’s all, and I don’t need fame, so that’s something I rather not talk about, but I did it anyway pretty dumb on my part, since everyone is afraid of grapplers on this forum. I didn’t think it was such a big deal, he may have won belts, but he couldn’t take me. A lot of guys whom throw punches won belts against grapplers. I won’t take anything from them because I’m a grappler too. By thinking that way, I clearly know what level you are at. You clearly couldn’t take the next step, you are still stuck on something else...
    ...That is not him Redmond, he lives in Detroit and he don’t believe in belts. By the way, how did your fight come out, you know, the one that you talked about for two months or so? Hey you are close, how about a little friendly sparring match I'll be nice. and I am not 300lbs I,m 270. keep it real. I'll give you $2000. for video release if we can have a friendly match. I went up too his school today, you did not talk too him. He would love to a have a match with you also, from my understanding he may come up to you school just on a visit, all in the name of respect take care. see you soon.
    In between these quotes Phil asks why he's picking on him...and the reply was...

    ...It’s not the same guy. Why Redmond? Cause I can.

    So you see the perception is merely based on what you put out. No one else on here speaks so nonchalantly of other fighters, or tries to "teach" other people on how what they do is incorrect. So here's just a few little examples of what I'm speaking of...and that's just from this thread. Would you like me to refresh your memory more?
    Last edited by SAAMAG; 12-01-2004 at 07:25 AM.
    "I don't know if anyone is known with the art of "sitting on your couch" here, but in my eyes it is also to be a martial art.

    It is the art of avoiding dangerous situations. It helps you to avoid a dangerous situation by not actually being there. So lets say there is a dangerous situation going on somewhere other than your couch. You are safely seated on your couch so you have in a nutshell "difused" the situation."

  10. #130

    Chest thumping of one kind or another is actually not infrequent on this list.Phil and Ali have some issues that date back apparently several years and has nothing to do with this list.

    Going back to selected quotes can prove quite different things.
    I have never met Phil or Ali and know them only via the net. Phil for a longer period of time. Phil and Ali have to settle their own problems outside of the forum. Many comments on the forum including by otheres besides Phil and Ali keep bringing the issue back to the forum.

    Once upon atime Ali mentioned that he was burying the hatchet.
    The context was the forum because it was a forum post. But things started up again -in part mistakenly by Phil- by bringing up
    Ali's website again- which is his website. Lots of websites have unusual materials from different POVs.

    Rather than adding fuel to the fire- I suggest that folks on the forom ignore Ali and Phil's refernce to each other if and when it occurs..

  11. #131


    Closed due to personal attacks. Please feel free to start anew on a fresh thread.
    Sandman[Wing Chun]

    "Learning is not compulsory ... neither is survival."

    -W. Edwards Derning

    A thought on Civil Discourse:

    “Democracy is a means of living together despite our differences. Democratic deliberation is an alternative to physical violence. It is predicated on the assumption that it’s possible to disagree agreeably, that it’s better to laugh than cry, that one can vigorously contest the positions of one’s adversary without questioning his or her personal integrity or motivation, and that parties to a debate are entitled to the presumption that their views are legitimate if not correct.” -Thomas Mann

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