Hey Kevin,

Supertraining rocks- it's one of those books you can always go back to.

I'm 250, a five hundred squat is at best a beginning for someone my size. I haven't tested my RM1 for a powerlifting squat for a while- last time maxed on a box squat below parallel I was around 330, and my bent leg GM is 335, so I should be around 400 these days, which kinda s*cks. One of my bros is hovering at 235 and squats 535 ATH, but he has this cool Russian lifter named Pavel who likes to coach him (lucky b*stard).

As for my strength training background- did some stuff in college, laid off for a while doing entirely bodyweight stuff for my first 5 years of WT, then put together a resistance band program (WT specific) based on Bompa's Serious Strength Training which I did for a year and a half working up to such things as 3rm front steps with bands, then moved out to LA and started lifting after a year out here or so. I took 8 months off and did purely body weight and kettlebell work in there for a while. Basically, I'm a three year lifter now, a year into learning the olympic lifts, so I have a long way to go. Even so, I'm hoping to pull 500 before the New Year (452 2 mos ago), and the 500 squat and bodyweight overhead squat are my goals for next year.

I've been pretty lucky in that my si-sok out here is an experience lifter and personal trainer into Olympic lifting, as was one of my old training partners, so I've had good people to bounce my ideas and routines off of, and probably haven't wasted as much time as I might have.

Rambling on,
