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Thread: wushu chik & others

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  1. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tornado Alley

    Doesn't really matter because everytime I post a question, or anyone else that doens't do "Specifically Mantis style Kung Fu" it always gets deleted, or you all harass us anyway....

    You have no idea what other styles I do besides BSL......and I won't waste my breath trying to explain what they are.

    Besides that....learn to respect your ELDERS in the MA have NO IDEA how long I've been studying....WHAT i've been studying or WHOM i study with!

    Oh, btw...I do apologize for posting on your "unpostable discussion thread" when I was asked about a clip, and decided to ask a question.....I deeply apologize for not reading the WHOLE time I'll be more careful about what "unpostable discussion threads" I post on!

    Last edited by wushu chik; 12-04-2004 at 07:03 PM.
    The greatest thing about me is that I know that I am the ONLY one that knows the truth about all! Damo lives within me, and me ONLY - for there is nobody that knows the truth more - so stick that in your pipe and smoke it sparky's!!!

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