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Thread: wushu chik & others

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tornado Alley
    Originally posted by WhiteMonkey
    "i agree with sayloc.
    i know the chik and she rocks

    yes but watch out....."you have NO IDEA how long she's been studying....WHAT she's been studying or WHOM she studies with!"

    Actually, he does know.....because he's a very good friend of mine that I've known for many years.

    And as far as the thread goes....I said I was asked a question about it, looked at THAT clip, and then asked the question.....I didn't read the whole thread...there was no need at the time I'll try harder to be more "attentive" on your rules!

    Originally posted by BeiTangLang

    Its not about "doing" NPM,..its about discussing it. If a post is on-topic, it will not get deleted.
    That's not true, and you know it as well as everyone else on here. When questions are asked by "non-NPM" practitioners, they either get deleted, or ignored or flamed. It's happened for YEARS on here, and still does all the time. I have people call my attention to many posts on here that fit under that criteria.

    Anyway.....thanks to those of you that actually did answer the question.

    The greatest thing about me is that I know that I am the ONLY one that knows the truth about all! Damo lives within me, and me ONLY - for there is nobody that knows the truth more - so stick that in your pipe and smoke it sparky's!!!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fort Worth, Texas, USA
    This thread would be a good example of one that is going to be locked for lack of mantis content
    How many identities does a Troll need?
    Didn't think I knew did you??
    I know a lot of things.
    You won't like me in person either.
    Confused?? Don't be.

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