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Thread: kung fu stories

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon


    Kung Lek:
    Thats ok, let it come around! If you fill you need to put me in my place!!! Please come on down and do it! My door is open to you and any of the fakes on this forum!

    Brother SaekSan:
    I'm enjoying your stores of Brazil too. It's to bad that David aka Kung Lek is trying to pick a fight with Wen... It's takes a real man to fight with a girl!!!

    Last edited by Fen; 12-20-2004 at 06:41 PM.
    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    A gentleman insisted that he can do gun disarms to which my master replied, if you can I have a friend in the FBI who would be very willing to meet you.

    So my master goes down stairs, up to Canal St. and buys a water pistol into which he took a leak..... needless to say, the guy never met with the FBI

  3. #18

    Accupuncture incident…

    Master Wu besides teaching CMA was also a Doctor of Chinese medicine. Many times he would treat his patients while class was going on. On this occasion a lady came in for an accupuncture treatment that was scheduled during class. As she arrived Shifu put me in charge and proceeded to take care of the patient. Master Wu used silver and gold needles for his treatments (this was before the disposable ones came about in Brazil) and they were his treasures. Anyway, the treatment ended, the lady paid and left the building.

    My Master was finishing up and I was still teaching class. All of a sudden I hear “Niusun! Come here!” I stop class and walk over. Shifu tells me that the lady walked out with one of his needles still in!

    I went running downstairs and caught up to her at the end of the block. She turned and I explained what happened, I looked for it and there it was, top of the head like an antennae! LOL I pluck it out (no blood) and ran back.

    Shifu was so happy to see that needle back in the case.

    I know it's not that big of a deal but it marked me quite a bit, it was one of those moments that I remember vividly, thinking of his smile makes me happy.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Chandler, AZ
    this isnt kung fu but funny

    In high school a guy named sam heard that this other guy was golden gloves, so Sam decided to pick a fight with him. Long story short Sam gets beat down, but the funny part is that the guy was actually Golden Gloves Baseball not Boxing.
    Ha Ha
    If a person offends you, do not resort to extremes, simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick.

    Mark Twain

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    My door is open to you and any of the fakes on this forum!
    Hey how about you and your crew of smartmouths go *********. I believe it was you and your group site unseen who were criticizing me and my former teacher and generally being smarmy punks to begin with.

    anyway, in the spirit of the holiday, up yours and your namby pamby nancy girl fu you fairies.

    word, mofo.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    just wanna keep that bad blood going into the new year.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon


    Dammmmmmmmmm!!! The truth hurt much? It's ok there is help for you!!!


    PS: brothernumber9: Sorry!!!
    Last edited by Fen; 12-20-2004 at 07:20 PM.
    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tornado Alley
    HAHAHAHA Kung Lek-
    Still butthurt huh? *****************************. Seriously, you really need to build a bridge and get over were made an ass of, plain and simple. I'm sorry if I hurt your, I lied...I'm not.

    you and others who hang with you have been on these forums and your own talking trash and throwing **** around like you are authorities on stuff you have never ever even encountered.
    As if you know what you're talking about. ****************....and it proves it more and more every post you make. Go crawl back into your hole of euphoric mantra & leave the kung fu talk to the adults.

    Happy Holidays!!

    The greatest thing about me is that I know that I am the ONLY one that knows the truth about all! Damo lives within me, and me ONLY - for there is nobody that knows the truth more - so stick that in your pipe and smoke it sparky's!!!

  9. #24
    Originally posted by wushu chik
    HAHAHAHA Kung Lek-
    Still butthurt huh? *************************** I'm sorry if I hurt your, I lied...I'm not.

    As if you know what you're talking about.************************* Go crawl back into your hole of euphoric mantra & leave the kung fu talk to the adults.

    Happy Holidays!!

    Actually, all three of you are butt-holes for wrecking this otherwise decent thread.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon
    Sorry you feel that way. All Wen did was post about me and Kung Lek got rude! I feel I do not need to take it and I will not! As I said before to brothernumber9 Sorry!!!

    Brother SaekSan:
    Did you get the chance to learn Chinese Medicine from him also?

    Last edited by Fen; 12-20-2004 at 09:22 PM.
    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Just a stupid story for the fun of it, i have pleanty of my sifu but ill start with one that involves both of us.

    I had been teaching along with my sifu in a PCYC in Parramatta which is an area in Western Sydney. One of the students had come along with friends of his and they where not exactly the most friendly looking bunch in the world. They where pretty obviously try hard gangsters and where all asian, fairly well built with the usual gang style trappings.
    My sifu spoke to them in canto for a while (proberly trying to suss out exactly why my class mate had brought them) and then eventualy brought one of the larger ones over to me.
    He told me that the guy wanted to spar and get a feel for the kung fu we where doing.
    I looked into my sifus face in slight disbelief that he was actualy trying to get me to challenge match with some weird triad looking guy. Still i spoke to the bloke for a few mintues and he actualy seemed pretty nice and didnt seem like he was really there to cause trouble so much as find out what his friend was into.

    On with the match...

    I started out with a relaxed but tight gaurd and started to pep the guy with a couple of jabs and basic boxing punches. The guy was obviously not really much of a fighter and i was hitting him easily. I started to drop my gaurd down to my waist and try to encourage him to strike as he was clearly overly tence and basicaly scared. I tried to use just slipping and dodging and allow him to fire off a few punches, i was not attacking with any real power but instead was basicaly just tagging him. During one exchange i tagged him lightly on the chest and he yelped like a puppy and winced in pain. I asked him what the matter was and he pulled up his shirt revealing a very red and sore looking peirced nipple. I appologised for striking him there and said i would take more care.
    He then seemed to get a bit frustrated and started trying to take my head off. Yet he still had really no idea what he was doing and was throwing wild haymakers and lurching all over the place.

    I kept my gaurd at my waist and continued to slip then tag him although now with a little more force and more towards his head.
    Finaly he threw a horrible looking right cross which i slipped out the way of then he promptly screamed dropped to one knee and lost all colour in his face.

    This freaked me right out and i stopped immediately and asked him what the hell had just happened. His sholder was slumped to one side and he had gone compleately white.
    My sifu runs over and begins talking to him in chinese and feeling his sholder. By now ive realised the guy has just dislocated his sholder by hitting thin air and am trying my hardest to look concerned whilst trying to figure out exactly what the heck had happened.
    Anyway my sifu takes the guy's arm and begins to slowly move it around in circles then all of a sudden he shoves the sholder back up into the socket( I have seen him do this trick three times now). The guy yelps again and then sits down to get his breath. He continues to talk to sifu for a while and get his bearings and then eventualy comes over to me and say's his goodbyes and leaves.

    So yeah i guess the moral of this story is that not everyone who looks hard actualy is.

    PS that was funny, Kung Lek just snapped
    Last edited by jon; 12-21-2004 at 04:49 AM.
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    That reaction was so above me. hee hee.

    we now return to our regular programming.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    All Wen did was post about me and Kung Lek got rude!
    no, kunglek called a spade a spade.

    you don't like it? put a leash on your dogs. like wen and xlw and any other little anon little douchebag you have spouting crap all over the place.

    my rudeness is only a reflection. I am merely returning to you and yours that which I reject as you hand me.

    get that into you.

    as for ruining this thread, please feel free to wade passed these niceities.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    Why don't you guys just fight and get it out of your system?

    Wait, one of you are a lady though, right? Kung, why are you speaking to a woman this way and letting her get under your skin?

    If you have skill who cares what these people think? And if they really are pushing your buttons and you have skill, well, you can close a school down I'm sure by kicking the leader right in front of all his paying customers.

    Of course this goes just as well for the other side ..... THEN we'll have a story worth posting about. Up till now sounds like talk.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    When I was in 3rd grade, I was the smallest person in the entire grade, and one of the smallest in the school. One morning I was walking into the entrance of the side stairwell to go to class and 3 2nd graders stopped me and told me to give them my money and my football cards (I had them in my left hand) or thier one friend that knows Karate would beat me up. I didn't know any martial arts back then. Kung Fu, Krotty, Taekwondo, it was all the same.

    The karate kid started doing some part of a kata and throwing punches with "kia!!", then took a stance in front of me like he was ready to fight.

    So I hit him in the head with my lunch box, hit one of his other friends in the head with my lunch box and went to class. They never bothered me again. The end.

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