Originally posted by planetwc
you b@st*rd you have footage of you sparring etc and you have not hooked me up?

No egg nogg for you!

At best I'm going to have footage of either free for all chi-sao (not just poon sau rolling)--but no challenge match or hard core sparring stuff.

That would only happen when we finally meet and we get video of you handing me my b^tt.

Geezers gone wild sort of thang.

Just funnin. But hook me up on the training stuff man!
first of all who you calling a geezer i'm a very young slightly balding 37 year old with a bad arm

second , hey it might be me on by back looking up at you with a big $hit eating grin saying good job , now pick me up and buy me sushi

as for the video stuff man hit me on a email i might send a something your way